Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement


It takes 180 days post-enactment for the Attorney General to submit the COVID-19 report on the restrictions on religious activities imposed by States. It is vital to establish why the restrictions applied to religious entities and excluded secular institutions. Additionally, it is critical to understand if the decision made by Congress was aligned with the Supreme Court of the U.S. decision on the S.Amdt. 1425 (Congress.Gov., 2021). Therefore, I support the bill but oppose an amendment that would stop the stay-at-home order on religious gatherings. COVID-19 directives issued by the WHO, including stay-at-home orders are meant for reducing the spread of the coronavirus disease and flattening the curve. Such restrictions are not permanent, and it is illogical to seek an amendment to SA 1425. Instead, a report will convince Americans that the federal government made the right decision to restrict physical public gatherings, yet people can meet virtually Global Healthcare Comparison Sample Paper.

I would address the opponent by asking them to explain how the report will help in combating COVID-19 while equally minimizing the psychosocial impacts of restrictions on religious gatherings on the affected groups. In essence, the report will come at an additional cost, but opponents equally need justification that the restrictions are similar to those that apply to secular organizations. Additionally, the opponents need to confirm that the report offers a solution of a similar status as that of Hate Crimes and COVID-19 (Congress.Gov., 2021). In essence, the U.S. is on a cost-saving mission and only priority areas receive the desired attention. Currently, a report on a rejected amendment bill would be illogical and unrealistically costly. Inability to prove why more expenses should be incurred on the report writing activity process means that there is no need for further pursuing the amendment Global Healthcare Comparison Sample Paper.


Siddiqi, M., Graves-Fitzsimmons, G., & Gonzalez, E. (2020 March 27). Religious exemptions during the Coronavirus pandemic will only worsen the crisis. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from

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