Part 2. Job and Role Description of the Nurse in Systems Development and Implementation Develop a 1- to 2-page job and role description for a graduate level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team for a new nursing documentation system. The job and role description should be based on the systems development life cycle (SDLC) stages and tasks, and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the steps. Define the role of the nurse in the planning and defining requirements stage of the SDLC. (1–2 paragraphs) Define the role of the nurse in the analysis stage of the SDLC. (1–2 paragraphs) Define the role of the nurse in the design of the new system stage of the SDLC. (1–2 paragraphs) Define the role of the nurse in the implementation stage of the SDLC. (1–2 paragraphs) Define the role of the nurse in the testing and maintenance stages of the SLDC. (1–2 paragraphs)

The Nurse Leader and The Systems Development Life Cycle

Job and Role Description of the Nurse in Systems Development and Implementation

In the ever-developing healthcare landscape, the nurse leader’s role in sailing the complicated web of technology and patient care is overriding, making them an essential catalyst in the emotional journey of the systems development life cycle. The nurse leader plays a crucial role in healthcare institutions’ systems development life cycle. The system development life cycle is a systematized perspective used to develop and execute information systems that improve care support clinical operations (Mohan, 2022). The nurse leader’s inclusion in this cycle ensures that the system marshals the distinctive needs of nursing and fosters efficient and effectual care delivery. They partner with interdisciplinary teams to gather requirements, design the system, and test its performance. In addition, the nurse leader acts as a liaison between the nursing staff and the technology team to ensure effective communication and user training. By ardently participating in the system development life cycle, the nurse leader ensures that the information system marshals with the goals of nursing practice, effectually enhancing patient outcomes and improving the quality of care. This paper will define the role of the nurse in the planning and defining requirements stage of the system development life cycle, the role of the nurse in the analysis stage of the development life cycle system, role in the design of the new system stage of the system development life cycle, in the implementation stage, and the testing and maintenance stage of the system development life cycle.

The Role of the Nurse in the Planning and Defining Requirements Stage of the System Development Life Cycle

In the planning and defining requirements phase of the system development life cycle, the nurse’s role is essential in ensuring that the healthcare information system meets the specific needs of the nursing staff and supports quality patient care. Nurses play an agile role in recognizing and articulating their needs and preferences for the system (Bergey et al., 2019). They cooperate with other healthcare professionals, such as administrators, information technology specialists, and software developers, to congregate and analyze data, document workflows, and determine the performance and technical specifications of the system. The nurse’s input is crucial in recognizing nursing-specific procedures like documentation, medication administration, and patient observation and translating them into system needs. By ardently participating in this phase, nurses ensure that the system is designed to improve clinical efficiency, enhance patient safety, and support evidence-based practice, eventually resulting in better patient and healthcare provider outcomes.

The Role of the Nurse in the Analysis Stage of the System Development Life Cycle

The nurse plays an essential role in the system development life cycle analysis stage. During this stage, the nurse’s primary responsibility is gathering and analyzing the needs and requirements of the healthcare system or application being created. The nurse cooperates with other healthcare professionals, information technology experts, and stakeholders to recognize the specific goals and objectives of the network. They thoroughly evaluate the existing procedures, workflow, and patient care systems to determine areas of enhancement and recognize possible issues or challenges. The nurse serves as a liaison between the healthcare staff and the evolution team, ensuring that the distinctive needs of the healthcare setting are comprehended and incorporated into the system design (Sekse et al., 2018). They document and communicate the needs to the development team, translating complex medical terminologies into performance specifications that developers can comprehend. The nurse also equips valuable insights and recommendations structured on their clinical expertise and knowledge of best practices in healthcare delivery. In addition, the nurse conducts practicability studies and risk evaluations to recognize possible barriers or restrictions in executing the new system. They assess the impact of the proposed changes on patient care, safety, and workflow efficiency. The nurse may also participate in user acceptance testing, validating that the system meets the needs and operates as intended from a clinical standpoint (Burton et al., 2020). During the analysis phase, the nurse plays a crucial role in ensuring that the proposed system aligns with the healthcare institution’s needs and goals, fosters patient safety and quality care, and integrates logic into existing clinical workflows. Their expertise and insights contribute to the

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