Part 1: Workplace Assessment Findings i. Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace

Part 1: Workplace Assessment Findings

i. Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on
your workplace
Clark’s healthy workplace inventory assessment template indicates that my corporate
workplace score is 70 percent which is termed as ‘moderately healthy’. According to my
assessment, the nurses understand the company shared vision and depict respect and trust while
interacting with each other. The findings indicate that a significant majority of employees
acknowledge the adverse effects of civility. The results indicate that existing communication
channels are effective in fostering collaboration and solving conflicts that may arise between
nurse workers. Accordingly, the workplace encourages diversity of ideas and nurses are accorded

adequate opportunities for professional growth. Lastly, the score is an indicator that unhealthy
behaviors such as bullying and sexual harassment are not prohibited in policy documents,
corporate culture, or company values. The results indicate lack of formal mentorship and training
programs for nurses and lack of trust among nurses.

Unexpected and Expected Results

2. Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed
prior to conducting the assessment that was confirmed
The first thing that surprised me is the way employees acknowledge and address conflict
situations and disagreements among themselves. The assessment findings showed that nurses
experience role conflicts that threaten effective performance of the work teams. The results
indicate that employees respect each other and appreciate cultural diversity in their conflict
management activities in the company. According to the analysis, the conflict resolution
measures aim at attaining a win-win situation and enable nurses to strengthen the existing cordial
relationships among nurses (Broome & Marshall, 2021). In this case, this aspect is essential in
improving the safety of working condition since it has enabled the company to prevent unhealthy
and uncivil practices such as harassment and bullying among the nurses. The second thing that
surprised me about the results is the importance of an employee self-care and wellness facility at
the workplace. I did not know about the relevancy of the counseling and exercise facilities
offered by the company. In this case, I learned that the company is geared at improving the
wellness of its staff by offering counseling services that help the nurses to relieve job-related
The main idea that I believed prior to the assessment that was confirmed is the
importance of ensuring workload is manageable and fairly distributed. In this case, I confirmed

that nurse shortage is a major problem in nursing care workplace and that nurse leaders should
ensure workload accorded to each employee is reasonable (Broome & Marshall, 2021). The
results indicate work life balance is important in work environment since it enables nurses to
overcome job related stress and burnout. The assessment indicates a lack of cooperation among
professionals working for the company due to poor communication channels.

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