Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages) Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion. Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace. Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed. Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace.

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment

The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses tends to point key
obligations that nurses should follow to achieve civil oriented, safe and ethical based workplaces.
Nowadays, given the immense stress levels in the work environment, several nurses in
conjunction with other health professionals tend to fall short of contemporary demands of
communication in a civil, respectful and considerate way. Interactions with one another plays a
focal role which influences the ability of the nurses with their peers to carry out their tasks
professionally, boost their loyalty to organization and most importantly deliver better outcomes
to patients such as safe, and increased patient care.
Consequently, the organization which I work in scored 80 points which indicates that my
work place is moderately healthy. The results indicate that communication with peers, and
management is managed in a professional manner which serve boost the morale of employees.
The members of the organization tend to ‘live’ along the goals of shared vision and mission
along the values of trust, collegiality and respect which enhances their success and achievement
of set outcomes. At the same time, the score reveals that employees are supported by leadership
which elevates their successes, improving the growth and development. Nevertheless, despite the
high scores, there are other areas which needs improvement. Clark & Fey, (2020), provided a
framework where workplace inventory should be shared as evidence-based too that aims at
raising awareness, determine key points of improvement, assess perceived organizational health
and reinforce areas of strength (Clark & Fey, 2020)
Nonetheless, despite the high scores of my organization, the two things that surprised
regarding the findings was that our organization does not foster communication within the
context of transparency. Communication flows top-down, where senior members of the

organization hold meetings in secrecy within closed door framework choosing to share with
junior employees the outcomes. Therefore, despite the elaborate channels of communication,
inclusivity is not enhanced. Further, despite the improved scores, elements of incivility also
Moreover, there were beliefs I believe was confirmed prior to conducting of assessment.
For instance, the level of interaction of peers in the workplace with their patients was pointed as
key factor. Before, carrying out workplace assessment, it is my belief that the workers morale
has been on a downward trend with the onset of Covid-19 pandemic. Within a span of one year,
there has been a notable shift in positivity and motivation and work attitude amongst my peers.
More significantly, I believe that reactions of different colleagues to effects of Covid-19 were
vivid. Covid-19 dampened the spirit of my workmates when a few of staff members contracted
the deadly virus. In addition, Covid-19 also affected mentality and attitude of my colleagues,
given the increased risks of contraction as one handles every patient.
Before, I had mixed emotions on the situation at work place, but going through the
inventory assignment permitted me to accurately see how Covid-19 affected my peer’s morale,
manner of interaction and consequently affected their attitude working with patients. Thus,
Clark (2015) framework also reinforced the argument that poor interactions of workmate peers
can negatively influence their jobs, allegiance to organization and more critically ability to
deliver better and quality patient care (Clark, 2015).
Results of assessment on workplace Health and Civility
The outcomes of assessment pointed out clearly that the top leadership should put more
effort on shared collaboration between team members and providers improve the health of

current workplace in order to maximize care for patients. According to the results, my workplace
is very civil. However, the management should implement strategies to limit the amount of
stressors through promoting interactive sessions with junior staff, holding joint platforms of
education and practice in periodic staff meetings which uphold current best practices.

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