Overview & Purpose Estimated Time: 2-3 hours over two due dates (first the initial post, second peer responses). Overview and Purpose This invention assignment will give you an opportunity to generate and exchange ideas for Project 1 with your peers. Through this assignment, you will engage in both independent and collaborative inquiry while using composing processes and strategies to invent, discover, and reconsider ideas. Before beginning, make sure to read the entire Project 1 assignment description as well as the learning materials for this assignment. When choosing topics, avoid the Prohibited Topics, and remember that you will likely be writing about this issue in Project 2, which will ask you to propose a solution to a community issue. So, choose wisely! Also, make sure to review the resource on discussions for more information on peer responses and the 3CQ approach. In your responses to your peers, make sure to follow the netiquette guidelines.

Discussion- Brainstorming Topic
Based on what I have found so far, the issue I lean towards analyzing is the housing crisis among Black Americans. Housing among this population is an issue and a chronic condition since it is an issue that has existed over the years. This is an issue of concern since we are now in the 21st century where equality should be embraced in every aspect of life, such as education, health, and housing, but this has not been the case for the minority groups as they continue to struggle to access basic amenities that ‘superior’ groups such as the whites quickly asses. Despite the evident advancements since the civil rights era, the gap between white and black Americans is vast. The impact of housing segregation continues to be a menace among blacks.


Poor housing is an issue among black as it affects the other aspect of their lives as in most cases, it affects how they access other essential services such as health and education. Also, poor housing has resulted in the blacks being associated with poverty and poor living standards. This has been passed over to their generations, affecting how they are viewed or accepted by other social groups. In terms of housing, the race gaps between whites and blacks are evident in my community. I would urge white representatives in the government to consider the rights of blacks to help reduce between the whites and blacks and ensure that equality is achieved among all races. This is because if changes are not initiated, I feel that the blacks will always face issues in housing hence affecting their overall living standards.

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