Outline the four "Key Messages" that structure the IOM Report recommendations. Explain how these have transformed or influenced nursing practice, nursing education and training, nursing leadership, and nursing workforce development. Provide examples.


. The IOM recommendations have mentioned a key message that creating common grounds on the basis of existing health policies, can help to streamline the nursing fieldIt was the first key message that can be found from the IOM recommendations. This action is
potent enough to eradicate the restrictions from the scope of nursing practice. On the other
hand, it has the power to enhance interpersonal collaboration. This aspect can help
stakeholders of healthcare industry to work as a team to build a common ground of practice
(Duffy, 2018). It can be stated that the establishment of a common ground of practice can
provide benefits to healthcare professionals, community people, and policymakers (Duffy,
Another recommendation has been made by saying that engagement of nurses in
redesigning nursing care must be promoted. It was the second key message that has been
derived from the IOM recommendations. It is possible to promote nursing leadership through

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