Outline for Implementation of Plan NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 4 Vila Health: Implementing New Educational Technology


Different steps will be carried out at John Hopkins University to implement artificial intelligence in nursing education and un-certainty issues will be minimized about decision making as well as consumption of extra time during the processing. 

  • The first step is getting the healthcare and education executives to sign off by developing the best understanding of opportunities for the implementation of AI in nursing education. It will involve using different cases where AI has provided great benefits in education and ultimately in healthcare as well (Ronquillo et al., 2021). 
  • After taking approval from executives, the maturity level of the institute is assessed regarding artificial intelligence. It will involve the assessment of the organization’s workflow and administration approach for the care of patients and determines whether the organization is ready to implement artificial intelligence or not. 
  • After the identification of the readiness of the company for AI, the gaps are identified for broadening the expertise of the organization in the context of data engineering. The team will be developed comprising experts in AI, consultants, business analysts, healthcare staff, and leaders for the implementation of the technology. 
  • The team will design the interventions for the implementation of AI and then propose a solution for improving the current infrastructure of the organization. These interventions are divided into further sub-categories for achieving better results in the project.
  • A competent model is designed on which the whole workflow will be based and variables will be adjusted according to the learning preferences of students. 
  • The high quality and reliable data are collected which is a critical part of the evaluation of learning systems. The data will be collected, cleaned, and then analyzed. The storage options are also added as a fast and reliable solution to meet the organization’s objectives. 
  • The next stage is the translation of the model in which artificial intelligence develops a structural framework of healthcare concepts. The cyborgs and three-dimensional models are developed having physiology and processes similar to the humans and healthcare needs and treatment are translated on these models which will guide the students about the administration of safe care to the patients. 
  • After the translation of the model, it is verified and checked. The verification process is performed by using different virtual animations and dummies. Then validation is carried out by cross-checking and assuring that the same results will be obtained in the real-time settings as the virtual settings. This type of verification is done through different computational tools. 
  • Experiments are performed and integration of AI is done at different pilot stages by the development of different models to minimize the risks of errors in the real environment.
  • Then the results are compared after critical analysis and the best strategies are implemented to minimize the identified gaps and the models providing the maximum outcomes are selected and implemented on a large scale. 
  • The performance of the implemented project is continuously monitored and recommendations for continuous improvement are suggested. The KPIs are measured and an evaluation is made that the organization has met the objectives that include increased understanding of patient care, treatment, and satisfaction, developing the best strategies for lowering the readmission rates in hospitals and lowering the healthcare costs, etc (Team, 2019). 

By following all these steps, AI can be successfully integrated into John Hopkins University and positive outcomes can be observed in students learning as well as patients care. 

Requirement for Resources 

NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 4 Vila Health: Implementing New Educational Technology

Different types of resources are required to implement artificial intelligence in the learning environment for nursing students. These resources include different human as well as capital resources, different budget operations, technical support, etc. Different experts will be required which include healthcare staff, nursing educators, IT experts and data engineers, the human resources manager, etc (Hofstee, 2022). 

Healthcare professionals will guide patient care and introduce technology based on community health needs. The nursing educators will help in the implementation of technology based on the student’s learning needs and their level of understanding (Kiester & Turp, 2022). The human resources manager will determine the availability of funds and resources for the execution of the project. The data engineers will develop the best

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