Organizations may have developed a detailed interview process with standard questions for each position, pre-employment assessments, and other selection tools   Topic 3 DQ 1


A standard interview question for a Registered Nurse- BSN is, “What are your values?” I developed this question to understand how candidates approach what is right in their line of work. The question will help ensure that the applicant’s views are consistent with the organization’s core values like integrity, trust, honesty, and reliability. Individuals and organizations often have values that influence their actions. Therefore, value-based interview questions are important to ensure the potential employee can easily blend in with a particular organization’s culture (Power, 2018).

The question will help identify an applicant with values similar to the organization and the current team or values that will augment the current organizational team. The question is crucial because if a potential employee’s values are very different from the organization or the current team, the employee will find it challenging working with the team and fail to enjoy and put their all in attaining the organization’s goals (Philipps & Mrowczynski, 2021). Furthermore, applicants for an RN job should have concerns about what values are promoted and upheld in the organization of their potential employer.

The above interview question has no right and wrong responses. However, I would expect the candidate to explai

n in detail their values and how they align to their job as an RN rather than mentioning values superficially. I would expect the interviewee to have researched the organization’s culture and the values that the organization accepts or turns away (Power, 2018). For instance, if one of the organization’s values is integrity, I expect the candidate to have a similar personal value. Besides, I would require them to define integrity from their understanding, what it entails, and how they uphold integrity in their personal and professional lives. In addition, I would expect a candidate to describe how they would make other employees aware of these values and how the employee would champion for the values to be upheld in the workplace.


Philipps, A., & Mrowczynski, R. (2021). Getting more out of interviews. Understanding interviewees’ accounts

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