Orem’s Health Care Deficit Theory and Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model are compared and analyzed for their importance in nursing.

The main aim and purpose of the nursing theories is to provide nursing care to the human beings. Orem and Roy nursing theories based on the interrelating framework, which emphasis on the nursing practice. Therefore these theories promote better patient care, improve the status of nursing profession, and help in communication between the nurses, and provide supervision to the researches and education.in both theories the nursing process are the same, first we do assessment, identify the problems, plan goal, intervention , and evaluation. They used the different word for nursing but the process and approach are the same.

Orem and Roy used the same paradigms system which is related to nursing-person, health, environment, and nursing-are basic and important to nursing practice, but the main focus is health and improvement of life. Today the main focus of health professionals is prevent illness, give medication, and implementation. These paradigm have greater relation with each other, help in every intervention of nursing as well as the other professionals. Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay

In both of the models age, past experiences, developmental, and sociocultural environment influences the individuals. These factors are directly and indirectly affect the person for self-care and adaptation with the internal and external environment. Nurses, patients, other family members, and environment are involved to improve capabilities, possibilities to attain necessary needs to sustain life and growth Furthermore, Zarkowska and Clements (1994) share Orem’s (1991) concept of the dynamic interplay between social, physical, environmental and psychological issues in relation to the adjustment of personal behaviors. They suggest that it is through the manipulation of the environmental settings, triggers, human actions and responses that an individual can be motivated to adjust personal behavior. In both models the nurses assess patients’ potential and capabilities to attain their needs, nurse select the most appropriate and effective process and take actions survival and health. Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay

Orem and Roy model are preventive and rehabilitative nursing models. In the Orem nursing theory, she focus on the needs which are required for sustaining life, growth and development. It is used for rehabilitation and as a primary care, in which the individual is encouraged to be independent. The main purpose of this theory is to assess the individual at different level and provide care accordingly to the needs .Roy model of adaptation is also a rehabilitative and preventive model, according to her nursing is a service to the society. Human beings have the capabilities to change the stimuli or adapt the stimuli to promote health and life. Adaptation is a positive response to the surrounding environment and changes; it is the response from the individual and choice to bring equilibrium between self and environment. Before the stimuli to harm the individual, individual responded to the stimuli to build adaptation. The goal of adaptation is build coping mechanism to achieve survival, development and mastering to the stimuli. Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay

Orem’s and Roy’s nursing theories, addressed each theory with respect to the four meta-paradigms of nursing, and finally compared the one meta-paradigm of health across both theories. This analysis has shown that Orem’s theory is more occupied with activities that promote health, while Roy’s theory is more concerned with where the patient stands on the health-illness continuum and how he can be brought to greater wholeness. It is argued that Orem nursing theory is always applicable; it is only a theoretical model. Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay


Orem model only focus the individual, that each individual has the capabilities to perform self-care. Every person will perform activities for his/ her needs to survive, maintain growth, health, and life. (Polit & Henderson p. 103). The fundamental principle of the model is that individual will take responsibility for his/ her health and the health of other; it is the main drawback in her theory.in Roy model the there are four adaptive modes for survival, physiological, role function, self-concept, and interdependence mode.it means that Roy adaptive model focus on different perspective of the patient. “In Roy’s Adaptation Model, humans are bios psychosocial adaptive systems who cope with environmental change through the process of adaptation.” (Polit & Henderson, p. 104). Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay

Orem theory has one limitation i.e. it doesn’t not comprise all aspects of care and needs of a specific client. Therefore some dilemma and miss conception has been found with Orem theory, ha

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