or your writing scenario in this module, your work supervisor has asked you to choose one issue that is important in your field (healthcare); you will be required to share your resources with colleagues at a weekly research-roundtable type workshop. The topics most relevant to the public will also be shared with a broader audience. Your supervisor is working on an online resource to provide outreach to the public. Your supervisor is putting together a collection of annotated bibliographies as a way to present information to the public in an organized manner; your supervisor hopes to write short papers or presentations on the most important issues that can be shared with a broader audience. Required elements: 1. Annotations for at least two sources. 2. Two sources must be from the library databases. 3. Each source must be followed by a one-paragraph summary of the source

Annotated Bibliography
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Nurse bullying has been one of the common challenges affecting medical practitioners in the workplace. The bullying contributes to a large percentage of the medication errors hence calling for the need to eradicate such bullying.
Castronovo, M. A., Pullizzi, A., & Evans, S. (2016). Nurse bullying: a review and a proposed solution. Nursing outlook, 64(3), 208-214.
This study was carried out to measure the nurse's perspectives with regard to the workplace. The study indicated that novice nurses were bullied hence making it difficult for them to work effectively. Novice nurses were being forced into performing procedures on behalf of senior nurses. Some of the nurses had not familiarized themselves with the procedures hence resulting in medication errors. A solution needed to be implemented to eradicate such bullying. A conducive work environment is the key factor in the provision of quality healthcare to patients. The article also outlines that the previous attempts that were employed to eradicate nurse bullying turned out to be unsucce...

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