Nursing Workforce Impact on Global Policy Agenda


The nursing shortage presents one of the vital concerns for the modern healthcare industry. The limited nurse workforce and its disproportional distribution among different countries hinder the development of healthcare services (Hanucharurnkul, 2018). This effect can be seen in many cases, including the progress toward the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in the past and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) currently.



For example, the fourth goal of MDG was to reduce child mortality (Rosa et al., 2019). In this context, the infant (IMR), neonatal (NMR), and perinatal (PMR) mortality rates are directly related to the goal’s achievement. According to Amiri et al. (2020), one percent of nursing staff increase causes approximately the same decrease in IMR, NMR, and PMR. Such a relationship solidifies the importance of addressing the nursing shortage issue globally.

Overall, nurses have a significant influence on the development of the political agenda. As a workforce that values patient care above everything else, nurses inspire the healthcare community to change and improve. Rosa et al. (2019) argue that nurses “play a leading role in advancing person-centered care globally and can make a transformational contribution in relation to the SDGs” (p. 634). The amount of research conducted by nursing peers ultimately contributes to the growing SDG awareness and development of foundational principles and policies related to patient care (Rosa et al., 2019).


The latter represents primary healthcare and disease prevention practices that shape the healthcare field from the patients’ and practitioners’ sides (Marć et al., 2019). Since these policies align to protect the population’s health and well-being, they are able to dictate the way how the services are delivered, including various conventional approaches and preferred treatment options.


Amiri, A., Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K., Solankallio-Vahteri, T., & Tuomi, S. (2020). Impact of nurse staffing on reducing infant, neonatal and perinatal mortality rates: evidence from panel data analysis in 35 OECD countriesInternational journal of nursing sciences7(2), 161-169. Web.

Hanucharurnkul, S. (2018). International Nursing Research Directions for the 21st Century. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research22(4), 283-287.

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