Nursing Role and Functions in the Improvement of the Quality of Care in Rehabilitation Patients


Rehabilitation is a vital healthcare component. The role of rehabilitation nursing needs to be well defined. Nurses Play a critical role in the in the improvement of the quality of care in rehabilitation patients. Nurses have found themselves to be undervalued in the rehabilitative process. The lack of well-defined nursing roles and functions has diminished the quality outcomes that are expected in the process. The quality of care patients receive especially in transitional rehabilitation is inadequate. The purpose of this paper is to discuss specific articles provided for each of the Student Learning Outcomes in relation to the problem statement. The problem statement in this paper is listed as the main topic above.

Rehabilitation nursing needs to Integrate theories and evidence, clinical judgment, research, and interprofessional requirements using translational processes to improve practice and the health outcomes.One of the ways improve the nurses’ role, and functions in the improvement of the quality of care in rehabilitation patients are through Enhanced Medical Rehabilitation. In theory, enhanced Medical rehabilitation is likely to improve the quality of care that patients receive. Enhanced medical rehabilitation entails a program that provides a structured and innovative approach to therapy for older adults. The program requires therapists to engage patients more in rehabilitation. Most ERM patients have a better understanding and appreciation for the therapy. They respond to it willingly and with a lot of motivation. The Journal of the American Doctors Association recently posted a report about the findings of a medical trial concerning enhanced medical rehabilitation (Lanze, et al. 2012). The research sought to investigate whether Enhanced medical rehabilitation increases therapy intensity and engagement and improves functional outcomes in the post-acute rehabilitation of older adults. The trial had a dual design where randomly controlled Enhanced Medical Rehabilitation was compared against Standard-care Rehabilitation. The Research was carried among twenty-six who had been admitted for post-acute rehabilitation. The results of the experiment were that the randomly controlled Enhanced Medical Rehabilitation recorded showed better signs of improvement in gait speed compared to those who were randomized to standard-of-care rehabilitation. The research concluded that it is possible to achieve higher intensity and patient engagement in nursing rehabilitation. The High intensity and enhanced engagement improve the performance of the patients drastically.

Nurses in the rehabilitation process must engage in the ethical conduct of research and translational scholarship a pay special attention to the protection of the patient as participants of the research. The ethical conduct of research and translational scholarship is another way to determine and improve the role and functions of nursing in the improvement of the quality of care. Objective documentation of rehabilitation procedures is a very important issue to consider. This can be achieved through scientific means of standardization. Nurses and therapists must endeavor to use evidence-based treatment. The treatment and referral of Patients should be based on an objective value based criteria. The criterion provides a means for selecting and administering tests and measurements to establish the initial status of a patient. This provides an objective and reliable assessment of the patient’s strengths and weaknesses. The objective assessment is also vital in determining the effectiveness of treatment. The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) published research finding on a clinical study on the factors associated with utilization of preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation services by patients with amputation in the VA system (Resnik, & Borgia, 2013). The study found great variations in the provision of preoperative operations that were associated with geographic regions of the country. The research shows that Patients from Northeast had the least possibility of receiving any preoperative rehabilitation services. On the other hand, patients in the West were lucky to have the highest possibility of receiving any preoperative rehabilitation services. The research further indicated that the decision maker needs to have the adequate information to make the right decisions for the wellbeing of the patient. Research shows that in order to Determine the best setting for the patient to have successful patient-centered goals, one requires a thorough understanding of rehabilitation nursing. This will help to maximize the success of evidence-based quality outcomes. The current models have failed to utilize the role and functions of nursing rehabilitation to its full potential. In conclusion, the research found that nurses with proper training and a deep understanding of the rehabilitation proce

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