Nursing Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflection

The course has broadened my horizons in many different aspects and supported my understanding of new and adopted practical approaches based on scientific evidence. It has taught me the value of interprofessional collaboration and the practical aspects of its existence in a clinical setting. In general, the course provided a vast variety of opportunities to reflect on different topics such as health care delivery and systems of clinical care.

Parallel to reflection, the work during the course allowed me to use a plethora of study materials which increased the effectiveness of information search skills and deepened my knowledge of major nursing concepts. Specifically, the course advanced the understanding of nursing ethics in pertinence to clinical cases and health care philosophy. The fact that this educational milestone encouraged self-learning and personal research enhanced my specter of creative approaches that can be used to obtain and remember information.

The introduction of many new topics to consider was probably the most advantageous experience in terms of current and further practice. An abundance of information has provided an opportunity to exercise one’s selection practices and prioritizing. The course has also assisted the development of the informed use of search engines and databases, which are effective mechanisms for research and education in general (Wright, Golder, & Lewis-Light, 2015).

Informed use of these practices will assist my further scientific and clinical development as a professional nurse. It was also a revelation that there are significant health disparities among different patient groups and it was fascinating to uncover the details about them. Such knowledge advances the development of clinical practice and research.

Identified Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the strong qualities that I identified during the course is the ability to find relevant information on the topic online. In addition to that, I have uncovered that critical analysis and evaluation can become my strong sides, provided I receive more academic practice. However, there were also certain unpleasant discoveries. In particular, it was observed that personal time management and activity planning could be improved.

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In addition, leadership might be a useful ability that could influence the optimal outcomes of education and practice (Joseph & Huber, 2015). In many situations, there was a sense that this particular quality could make me more a more effective nurse. In regard to meeting the competencies aligned to the course, I have progressed to a considerable degree. The course has provided a variety of theoretical and practical concepts, skills, and knowledge which were beneficial in terms of forming a solid basis for a future nursing specialist.


All in all, the professional capstone practicum offered a variety of opportunities for learning and development as a professional and academic. It formed a comprehensive understanding of core concepts and practices of nursing and encouraged using self-education to immerse oneself further into the profession. The significance of this course for me was partly in the fact of identification of individual strengths and weaknesses. By adhering to the curriculum and using all the knowledge and skills offered in this education milestone, I managed to meet the course’s competencies.


Joseph, M. L., & Huber, D. L. (2015). Clinical leadership development and education for nurses: Prospects and opportunities. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 7, 55-64.

Wright, K., Golder, S., & Lewis-Light, K. (2015). What value is the CINAHL database when searching for systematic reviews of qualitative studies? Systematic Reviews, 4(104), 1-8.

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