Nursing Process in Addressing Staff Member’s Performance Shortcomings


In healthcare facilities, each departmental manager has the role of coaching and developing their staff. These staff have various weaknesses in service delivery hence the need to pinpoint and address them. Therefore, incorporating the nursing process to identify these shortcomings is essential. First, a manager will assess a situation or a program to identify the weakness. Secondly, examine the situation to recognize the factor resulting in fault. After that, plan a meeting to develop strategies to mitigate the shortcomings. These strategies are implemented by ensuring every member is aware of the change process and working jointly to facilitate transformation (Baljoon et al., 2018). Later, revisit with staff to evaluate whether the strategies implemented have impacted performance. Therefore, the nursing process is well suited to address staff members’ performance shortcomings and develop an improvement plan.

Healthcare entails numerous units facilitating quality patient care and examining employees’ effectiveness. Thus, it is crucial to be visible on the units since they are collaborative in service delivery. If an employee fails on one unit, they may compromise service delivery, affecting the outcome (Baljoon et al., 2018). Addressing employees’ shortcomings should be a continuous process rather than an annual evaluation. The annual evaluation is unsuitable since it does not review performance regularly. For instance, if a gap has been identified, certain vital concepts might be omitted by the time a yearly evaluation is conducted. Healthcare facilities incorporate broad operations that call for employee effectiveness.


Therefore, it is essential to conduct continuous evaluations rather than annual ones to identify performance gaps and strategize to curb shortcomings.


Baljoon, R. A., Banjar, H. E., & Banakhar, M. A. (2018). Nurses’ work motivation and the factors affecting it: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices5(1), 277

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