"Nursing in Health Care Delivery Systems Technology & Informatics"


Background of Simulators & Robotics

In the past, nurses were assumed a lot of risk in the training as they had to personally operate upon real-life cases with little or no experience. The evolution of simulators and robotics has provided the students of nursing with an opportunity to witness computer-guided operations that are accurate and safe for the students. “These virtual patients have helped revolutionize nursing education by providing another level of safety before students care for real patients in hospitals and other clinical settings” (Hudak, 2008). This not only means increased safety for the nurses but also an accurate demonstration of the procedure.

Current Status of Simulators & Robotics

Medical simulation and robotic surgery “are experiencing rapid adoption and are viewed as modalities that allow physicians to perform increasingly complex minimally invasive procedures while enhancing patient safety” (Kunkler, 2006). Sampsel et al. (2011) conducted research to explore the perceptions of nursing students and faculty regarding the usefulness of the robot for obtaining a simulated experience. Results indicated that 87 percent of the nursing students and 82 percent of the nursing faculty and highly accepted robots as a technology for distance education and simulated experience.

Future of Simulators & Robotics

The future of simulators and robotics relies upon the effect of these technologies on patient safety, time of operation, and the costs associated with them. The use of simulation training for the support of evolving procedures and technologies enhances the efficiency of the process and generates useful results for the nurses. There is a need to conduct research to explore ways for continued applicability of the simulators and robotics for the training and certification of the nurses. “The goal is to have simulation used in every semester’s coursework, from novices to experts. We don’t need to stop with nursing students; practicing nurses always need a refresher, especially in high-risk, low-volume situations” (Gonzalez cited in Hudak, 2008).

Technological advancement has provided nurses with a way to enhance their training with real-time patient experiences. These include computer-controlled programs that show numerous complications and health conditions in the patients. Students of nursing find an opportunity to make informed decisions and repeatedly practice the procedures in a setting that is computer-controlled. With the use of simulators and robotics, the experience of nurses has been enchanted with the safety and accuracy of demonstration

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