Nursing Conceptualization in Nursing Needs Theory

Nursing as a profession must be conceptualized to provide scientific underpinnings for high-quality and safe care. When practicing nursing, healthcare providers are primarily engaged in caring for patients with diverse needs and ages. It is always important for nurses to understand the needs of these patients to facilitate proper care delivery backed by evidence. It is among the primary roles of the nurses to ensure thatthe issue ofpatient’s quality of life is addressed through the application of evidence-based practices. For instance, sleep has been associated with changes in the quality of life and nurses need to understand the dynamics of sleep and age to provide care

 that will ensure the patient’s quality of life. In fact, Nicely & DeLario (2011, p.73) indicate that sleep is a basic human need and a significant factor that affects the quality of life for people. However, elderly individuals have aging processes that affect the quality and quantity of sleep causing a negative impact on their quality of life. When caring for such patients, nursesshould make clinicalobservations, decisions, and actions on care approach to enhance sleep, guided by evidence. Clinical decisions and actions taken by nurses are derived from nursing theories, research, experience, and personal knowledge. Based on the patient’s health status, healthcare providers can ba

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