Nursing Competency: Definition, Structure and Development Abstract

Nursing Competency: Definition, Structure and Development


Nursing competency includes core abilities that are required for fulfilling one’s role as a nurse. Therefore, it is important to clearly define nursing competency to establish a foundation for nursing education curriculum. However, while the concepts surrounding nursing competency are important for improving nursing quality, they are still not yet completely developed. Thus, challenges remain in establishing definitions and structures for nursing competency, competency levels necessary for nursing professionals, training methods and so on. In the present study, we reviewed the research on definitions and attributes of nursing competency in Japan as well as competency structure, its elements and evaluation. Furthermore, we investigated training methods to teach nursing competency Nursing Competency: Definition, Structure and Development.

Keywords: concept, development support, nursing competence, structure of dimensions

Healthcare has greatly changed due to issues such as disease structure changes and a rapidly aging population with decreasing birthrates. Accordingly, healthcare and care provider systems are changing. For example, when a patient has an acute medical problem, the hospital is expected to provide short-term, intensive care. When the treatment is completed, home care is needed to provide support for treating the patient with dignity and respect until the end of his/her life. Thus, nurses must provide comprehensive care that meets patients’ complex and diverse needs. Regardless of work setting, this is required of all nurses; presently, there is a growing expectation that nurses should be able to combine various sources of information and incorporate these into their decision-making and nursing practice Nursing Competency: Definition, Structure and Development.


Nurses are always challenged on how they can contribute to society as professionals. They are expected to take professional responsibilities for continuously providing direct care, protecting individual lives and supporting activities of daily living.

To accomplish this, it is important for nurses to improve their nursing competency and utilize it in their daily practice. Competence is an ability acquired through experience and learning. The concept of competence is two-fold: 1) potential abilities that may work effectively under certain circumstances and 2) motivation to show one’s usefulness using those abilities. On the other hand, competency is a behavioral characteristic that is based on one’s interests and experiences influenced by his/her motivation and attitude. It is an optimal behavioral trait that likely leads to achievements. Competence (ability) is a premise for developing competency (behavioral characteristics)Nursing Competency: Definition, Structure and Development.

Here we reviewed the research on definitions and attributes of nursing competency in Japan as well as its structure, elements and evaluation. We further investigated methods for teaching nursing competency.


According to one concept analysis study, nursing competency can be divided into the following three theories: behaviorism, trait theory, and holism. Behaviorism refers to competency as an ability to perform individual core skills, and is evaluated by demonstration of those skills. Trait theory considers competency as individual traits necessary for effectively performing duties (knowledge, critical thinking skills, etc.). Holism views competency as a cluster of elements, including knowledge, skills, attitudes, thinking ability and values that are required in certain contexts. Nursing competency is generally viewed as a complex integration of knowledge including professional judgment, skills, values and attitude, indicating that holism is widely accepted. In nursing practice, nurses are required to apply their acquired knowledge, skills and innate individual traits to each situation and be able to adapt that knowledge and those skills to different circumstances Nursing Competency: Definition, Structure and Development.

There are two definitions of holistic, integrated nursing competency: 1) By analyzing a) graduation achievement goals as they relate to enhancing the development of nursing competency (the Conference for Nursing Education model),b) the International Competency Standards Framework for general nurses (International Council of Nurses) and c) the Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice (American Nurses Association), Nakayama et al. defined nursing competency as “the ability to take action by combining knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and experience acquired as a nurse” and explained that competency

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