NURSFPX 4900 ASSESSMENT Problem Identification Template – Plan Proposal Template Completed with Opioid Topic


The adverse effects of opioids have adverse effects on families, individuals, and American society as a whole. The opioid epidemic is a major problem to the health care system hence the need to address this problem. It leads to poor quality of life and the high cost of medication.

Research indicates that the majority of individuals who develop an addiction to opioids are people who, at some point, received the prescription as pain medication (Addiction Center, 2018). In line with the phrase ‘prevention is better than cure,’ the proposed intervention is to increase access to prevention service to people at risk of the opioid epidemic.

Implementation of the proposed plan can help prevent adverse social, health and economic effects associated with opioid abuse, misuse, and addition. Early intervention to people at risk, education to create awareness to people at risk and the public, digital and social media campaigns, community and school-based programs. Patients prescribed opioids as pain relievers and adolescents will be the main target for intervention services.

Collaboration between various agencies such as national health institute, FDA, and NIDA with private sectors are necessary for developing alternative pain relievers and analgesics and analgesics that cannot be abused easily (US Department of Health and Human Services, n. d). Collaboration with state agencies is essential in improving technologies that can detect trafficking and import of illegal opioids NURSFPX 4900 ASSESSMENT Problem Identification Template.

The interprofessional collaborators will comprise the local caregivers including both clinicians/nurses and behavioural therapists (psychiatrists, social workers, pharmacists, department of justice, training institutions, faith-based organizations, local authority, and community-based organizations

The proposal will be submitted to the health staff and collaborators to give their feedback on making the project better. The refined proposal will be submitted by the nurse manager to the facility board members for approval. If approved, the plan will be implemented in the community and hospital with the help of my mentor and the nurse manager as the project managers as well as the support of collaborators.

Technolicical Analysis

Digital and social media technology can be used in the proposed intervention to improve access to prevention services. Chassiakos et al (2016) found a high rate of internet usage among adolescents and young adults than any other demographic groups. Therefore, digital and social media is relevant in disseminating health information about opioid prevention services to our target population.

Riley et al (2011 ) observed that digital health interventions such as eHealth and mHealth are crucial tools in amplifying the public health messages and promoting behavior change to promote healthy living. A study by Årsand et al (2012) found that health services through social media, automated phone, and SMS services (to people with previous opioid prescriptions) prevented potential opioid addiction and misuse NURSFPX 4900 ASSESSMENT Problem Identification Template.

Overall, these studies indicate that digital and social media technologies are crucial tools in amplifying public health messages and manage health conditions. Hence, literature offers supportive evidence on the use of digital and social media tools in nursing practice. These are evident in the use of eHealth and mHealth in managing diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

However, given that 23% of Americans do not use a smartphone can hinder the use of digital and social media tools in the prevention of opioid addiction, overdose, and misuse. Instead, combining it with an automatic phone and SMS technology could be most appropriate. Lack of reliability, privacy and confidentiality issues, information overload, and dissemination of false information are other factors that deter the use of digital and social media platforms to disseminate information on opioid prevention services.

However, Murray et al (2011) and Mair et al (2012) argued that digital health interventions are complex and cumbersome to implement due to factors like interoperability, unfit to the current system, high cost, disrupting face-to-face interaction between patients and health professionals NURSFPX 4900 ASSESSMENT Problem Identification Template.

Governmental & Organizational Policies

Health care policies support projects aimed at preventing, treatment, and recovery of those affected by opioids. Both state and Federal governments have enacted policies to curb increased deaths fro opioids overdose. This includes the collection and dissemination of information on opioids abuse and addiction. These policies seek to promote public education and awareness campaigns- this is consistent with

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