Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process What parts of the lawmaking process does a nurse have an opportunity to influence the final bill passage?


Nurses have an influence in the legislative process, specifically the advocacy phase when the public is given an opportunity to present opinions. Through leveraging the potential power of numbers, expert power, legitimate power, referent power, reward power and coercive power, nurses are able to influence the process (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020). When a bill gets presented for the legislative process, the first step involves it being referred to a committee in the Senate or House.Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process. At this step, nurses play an important role when the committee presents a call for action in which case nurses would expend their effort effectively through targeting specific committee members appropriately to influence them on the bill. In addition, they keep other members of the legislature abreast of their views and sentiments concerning the pending legislation even if that individual is not a member of the committee that is reviewing the bill. Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.Nurses are also involved in the second step when the committee presents the bill for hearings, mark ups and votes. The hearings and mark ups present an opportunity for nurses to have input into the legislation by presenting their views and opinions in a public forum. Should the bill pass through the chamber with significant amendments so that a new committee review is required, then nurses would once again be involved in the two steps as described (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson, 2018).Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.

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