NURS FPX8030 Assessment 3 Scholarly Support for Assertions


The study of Smith et al. , (2020) affirms the proposition surmising the efficacy of RCT in assessing the interventions. The authors provide the readers with an understanding of why RCTs are valuable in providing evidence useful in clinical care. According to Jones and Brown (2019), the procedures necessary to ensure that participants are accepted as candidates for the studies improve the internal validity. These are essential conclusions followed by the corresponding suggestion of the authors to reduce bias in the selection of participants to increase the reliability of the results.


Proposed Intervention

As highlighted earlier, medication errors are a patient safety issue during hospital shifts; therefore, the intervention to be implemented is the use of barcode medication administration (BCMA) technology. BCMA includes reading stories on the patients’ wristbands and medication labels to reduce medication errors.

Evidence-Based Analysis

Effectiveness: Many researchers have proved that the successful implementation of BCMA can decrease medication errors. For example, Chen et al. (2020) conducted a forest meta-analysis to estimate the effect of BCMA on medication administration errors and found a reduction of up to 82%.

Safety: BCMA mitigates the dangers inherent in drug prescription processes by ensuring checks on the ‘Five Rights’, which are the right patient, the right drug, the right amount, the right way and the right time, get NURS FPX8030 Assessment 3. These checks, when automated at BCMA, decrease the chances of medication errors and adverse drug events since it would eliminate human interference (Poon et al., 2019).

Feasibility: Essentially, the implementation of BCMA has become easier over time due to increased technological flexibility and the continued use of IT systems in delivering healthcare services. Research work indicates that the procedure of implementing BCMA is costly, but since its implementation, it has proved to be effective, thereby making it a costly effective intervention (Hoonakker et al., 2019).

Organizational Impact: According to the above discussion, the following is the conclusion that can be drawn from this research: The implementation of BCMA has the potential to enhance the efficiency of organizations and their overall workflow. Through its flow of medication practices and minimizing errors, BCMA has the potential to provide better outcomes on patient experience, overall costs to the healthcare system, and satisfaction among the staff (Hutchins et al., 2020).


In conclusion, NURS FPX8030 Assessment 3, in light of the existing evidence-based articles, the current critical appraisal has helped to understand the patient safety issue of medication errors and suggest evidence-based interventions to address this problem. In the present study, an approach of systematically reviewing the literature currently available has been adopted and the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist was used to synthesize findings on a pattern of improving medication safety in healthcare contexts. Based on the literature review of the peer-reviewed and current articles published in 2019, proves that there is a range of research literature associated with the effectiveness of the number of interventions, including BCMA, and reduces medication errors. These interventions utilize technology for medication safety, workflow optimization, and for the achievement of the best and safest patient care.


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