NURS FPX4030 Assessment 2 Investigation of Relevance and Credibility


There are specific treatments for pneumothorax based on a reliable scientific investigation that includes a plethora of evidence demonstrating their effectiveness. Combining pharmacological and rehabilitative treatment for individuals is one approach, as they are shown to relieve discomfort. Evidence-based practices for handling pulmonary illnesses are based on three factors: the medical provider’s experience, the patient’s interests, and finally, the empirical evidence that directs doctors on which therapy to apply (Jayawardena et al., 2021).

Useful Evidence

The research also demonstrates the value of family-based interventions. Family involvement is still essential for the treatment of pneumothorax. It entails the families and the practitioner interacting to talk about the problems they are experiencing, followed by attendance at seminars, and classes on how to cope with this condition and what medical tactics should be used. Surgical therapy combines needle aspiration and ongoing care therapy, crucial aspects highlighted in NURS FPX4030 Assessment 2 Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources, as demonstrated by the data (Hung et al., 2021).

Some excellent resources include the American Association for Respiratory Care, the American Lung Association, and The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. The American Psychological Association’s (APA) suggestion to utilize ongoing care by nursing staff is one practical EBP approach supported by most research and found to be reliable by the CRAAP test. Most treatments have more excellent success rates when hospitals and doctors start paying attention to their individuals’ needs and dispositions. 

Furthermore, almost 77% of patients get healthy after-care therapy (Brown et al., 2020). Care providers are urged to use EBPs in clinical practices for this purpose. 

NURS FPX4030 Assessment 2 Evidence-Based Approach Model

The NURS FPX4030 Assessment 2 involves determining the credibility of evidence and resources within the Knowledge to Action (KTA) framework. It seeks to recognize a problem, generate knowledge about it, and then put it into practice. The paradigm is employed first to describe the present scenario, such as therapy for schizophrenia, and afterward, it looks for barriers to understanding surrounding the issue stated (Giles et al., 2021). It also keeps track of how the acquired information is used. Many nursing staff encounter obstacles, including a lack of understanding of the most current schizophrenia therapies that might impair their work. Finally, KTA assesses the effects of the data used.


The KTA approach is often used when high-quality data, including some from Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), are available. Literature to date suggests that care therapy after surgical procedures helps pneumothorax patients manage their condition better for their overall health (Gerhardy & Simpson, 2021). Given the lack of RCTs that support improvements in decreasing patient admission rates to treatment centers or hospital visits, there is substantial uncertainty that care therapy improves the treatment of pneumothorax conditions (“Ambulatory Management of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax: An Open-Label, Randomised Controlled Trial,” 2020).


When addressing pneumothorax and other similar diseases, it is crucial to adopt evidence-based strategies that are regarded as reputable, qualified, correct and made up of dependable facts. Healthcare providers must utilize the CRAAP test and consider the KTA framework to obtain reliable data to determine that EBPs might be used to deliver healthcare services.


Ambulatory management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: An open-label, randomized controlled trial. (2020). The Lancet, 396(10243), 39–49. 

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