NURS-FPX: Improving Quality of Care and Patient Safety 



2 Introduction There are many complex areas within providing care to patients, the care becomes more specialized within every environment regardless of unit and type of care provided. One area remains standard; medication administration is the leading cause of preventable patient harm in all hospital units and facilities (Westbrook et al., 2020). Every year there are thousands of different medications available on the market. Each medication has a brand name and generic names, adjunct treatments, and deliberate treatments. No one human can keep up with the market and treating patients, it takes collaboration, and coordination (Padula & Steinberg, 2021). It is necessary to create a streamline of patient care that allows nurses to coordinate appropriate medication administration while having access to stakeholders and input in quality improvement to best serve and care for the patient. Nurses also have the responsibility of protecting their license as well as using hospital financial resources wisely. Specific Risk Unfortunately, in order for nurses to achieve all of their daily duties within an environment where they are spread thin and understaffed they often have to rely on multitasking (McMahon, 2017). This will lead to the surfacing of many errors, one specific error that was caused by the above circumstance combined with poor hospital resources (such as the lack of an electronic medication administration records (eMAR) and bar code scanning) is the administration of labetalol to a patient with a heart rate of below 60. When a nurse is overwhelmed and spread thin it is easy to accidentally give a medication without the appropriate indication. Due to the overwhelming circumstances many nurses become complacent in their practice, an eMar will help a nurse follow parameters to administer appropriate meds

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