NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 Critical Appraisal of Evidence Based Literature - Online Class Services Critical Appraisal of Evidence-Based Literature


NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 methodology used in the healthcare domain, the literature on evidence-based practice is a crucial foundation ensuring the attainment of positive patient results and organizational success. Embedded at the core of this paradigm is constructive criticism of EB source of literature, where the purpose is to evaluate the relevance, quality, and generalisability of published works (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). Thus, while conducting this assessment, the course embarked on a journey to assess and analyze the available evidence concerning the patient safety issue as well as the importance of evidence-based interventions for providing solutions to various healthcare risks.

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Literature

It is right to observe that patient safety is a core component in the delivery of healthcare services as it is as crucial to protect patients from harm arising from care delivery processes. The end position at Kettering College means that I am involved in creating a safety culture and ensuring that we use best practices in clinical operations and nursing excellence. Therefore, such an assessment seeks to unravel all aspects of a patient safety issue, that is, study the issue by using an extensive framework for evaluation to reveal workable knowledge and recommendations.

Summary of Patient Safety Issue

Patient safety remains a key concept in health care delivery in an environment that requires constant evaluation of and adherence to the best practices for the safety of patients. In this regard, this particular assessment’s primary focus falls on the evaluation of the literature in relation to a typical patient safety concern. In particular, the inquiry aims to explore the increased rate of medication errors, a worldwide issue that poses potential threats to the health of patients, and emphasizes the need to intervene.

In navigating this multifaceted issue, NURS FPX8030 Assessment 3 PICOT (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time) research question guiding our exploration is formulated as follows: Does the use of BMA (B) for the medication administration of hospitalized adults (P) reduce the number of medication errors (O) than the traditional methods of medication administration (C) within six months (T)?In striving to achieve the goals of this assessment, the author has conducted a comprehensive and detailed review of current literature and followed strict scientific assessment methods in an attempt not only to explain the complexity of medication errors about their incidence and causal factors but also to describe the evidence-based measures that may effectively reduce this significant threat to patient safety (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). Using available literature and highlighting what needs to be done to prevent and mitigate such incidences, this paper seeks to prevent and mitigate such incidents with the ultimate goal of promoting safety, enhancing health outcomes as well as optimizing organizational value in patient care.

Critical Appraisal Tool

For the assessment of the quality of each individual study, the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Reviews and Research Syntheses shall be used (Joanna Briggs Institute, 2021). This tool was selected due to its broad range of focus in terms of structured and unstructured studies, systematic reviews, and research syntheses in particular which are crucial for the assessment of evidence-based interventions and their efficacy concerning patient safety concerns. The JBI checklist offers a dichotomous tool that ensures that different aspects of the evaluation are covered systematically, as well as serves to highlight the methodological quality of the report, the reporting quality of the study, the sample, and the patients.

NURS FPX8030 Assessment 3 Critical Appraisal 

In addition, the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist used in this study is well-known and commonly used in the field of healthcare studies and acknowledged for its validity and credibility (Joanna Briggs Institute, 2021). This way it presents particular criteria for what aspects of the studies were done well and what are considered weak points: the study design, sample size, data analysis and results interpretation. In using this widely acceptable standardized appraisal tool, the assessment ensures the identification of consistency and scientificity in making the evaluation to ensure the differences in patient safety concerns are effectively understood and addressed through evidence-based interventions.

Summarising the Study Purpose, Method, Design, Results, and Context

Summary of Purpose: The research proposed to assess whether there is a practical improvement in a newly implemented patient handoff protocol to reduce communicat

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