NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 4 Risk Mitigation Justification of Actions to Address Identified Risks


Upgraded EHR systems can streamline healthcare processes, increasing efficiency and lowering costs through automated processes, reducing paperwork, and preventing errors. Improvements to EHR systems can give healthcare professionals real-time, data-driven insights that can help them make better decisions and improve patient outcomes (Rhoades et al., 2022). Staff members can save time and concentrate on more difficult tasks by streamlining workflows through effective training in EHR use in healthcare settings (Nuamah et al., 2020). Staff members must receive training on effective EHR use. This entails knowing how to enter and retrieve data and the system’s features and functions. Continual instructions and assistance can help staff members feel at ease with the system and utilize it actively.

Medical records can be made accurate and current with the help of a patient identification system. By using a unique patient identifier, healthcare professionals can prevent duplicating records or combining data from various patients, which can result in mistakes and confusion. To deliver safe and effective care as well as support clinical decision-making, accurate data is essential (Riplinger et al., 2020) 

Multifactor authentication (MFA) protects patient data under HIPAA rules and regulations. Healthcare providers are required by HIPAA rules and regulations to safeguard patients’ personal health information (PHI) from unauthorized access or disclosure. Implementing multifactor authentication is one way to improve the security of patient data. MFA is a security measure that asks authorized users to use a password or PIN to access patient health records. Healthcare providers can improve the security of patient data and lower the risk of data breaches and unauthorized Protected Health Information by implementing MFA (Bahache et al., 2022).

Change Management Strategies

NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 4 Risk Mitigation

A diverse and skilled team is vital to implement change in healthcare organizations. Financial and material resources play a key role in making a change. A healthcare organization’s ability to manage change effectively ensures that it adopts new procedures, techniques, and regulations that can enhance patient outcomes by lowering wait times, enhancing care coordination, and raising the standard of care (Milella et al., 2021). Change management can result in cost savings by increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare processes, cutting waste, and better-utilizing resources. It also ensures compliance with evolving organizational rules and policies is maintained.

The Lewin model of change is a popular framework for managing organizational change in healthcare settings. The model consists of three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing (Harrison et al., 2021). The poor IT infrastructure and low software compliance insinuated the change so that EHR systems work effectively to maintain the consistency of patient data in databases. Effective communication and collaboration among the stakeholders are necessary to bring positive change in the healthcare organization. It improves patient outcomes and raises the standard of care as healthcare professionals use the Lewin model to plan, carry out, and assess changes within their organizations.

ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement) model manages changes and achieves successful results (Balluck et al., 2020). Healthcare organizations must explain the change’s justification and how it will benefit patients, employees, and the organization. Healthcare organizations must stress the advantages of the change to staff to win their support. Healthcare organizations must inform their staff about upcoming procedures, infrastructure, or technology changes. Staff must receive training, coaching, or mentoring to implement the change. The last step is reinforcing the change by keeping an eye on it, giving feedback, and rewarding staff who have done a good job implementing it. 

The Allen Hospital showed flaws in its EHR management due to low staff training and poor IT infrastructure. So using the change mentioned above management strategies will improve patient outcomes, staff satisfaction, and organizational performance ultimately. The change will also enhance the collaboration between the stakeholders, who work for a shared vision. The stakeholder committed to raising the care standard by taking effective measures to tackle the identified risks in the organization.

NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 4 Risk Mitigation


Bahache, A. N., Chikouche, N., & Mezrag, F. (2022). Authentication schemes for healthcare applications using wireless medical sensor networks: A survey. SN Computer Science, 3(5).

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