NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning


After examining Marta’s results, she will have rehabilitation for four weeks. The social worker will counsel and help her to cope with her trauma. Upon contemplating the professionals’ advice, the care manager will refer individuals to outpatient treatment. The care manager will help find the primary care doctor and arrange consultations with other healthcare professionals, such as infectious disease and orthopedic experts.  

For the smooth transition of Marta from hospital to home, the care manager and Marta’s aunt and uncle will be taken on board to build consensus for follow-up post-discharge visits of Marta. 

She would use an online platform and electronic records to see her medications and further her care plan. She can view her lab reports and discuss the further care plan with her assigned care manager. For plain shifting from the hospital to Marta’s home and to avoid risking any chances of readmission, issues need to be resolved after due diligence by the care manager.   

How Information is Collected from Client’s Record

NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

HIT primarily refers to providing coordinated and quality care to patients. The healthcare staff has good care coordination and communication for exchanging information and utilizing HIT to benefit patients. Collaboration among the healthcare staff is essential for handling patient data. It ensures the healthcare team designated to provide quality care is on the same page and information is readily available as and when required.  

For healthcare staff, strong professional collaboration is essential. The complex nature of healthcare issues and patients’ care requirements have emphasized the need for interprofessional collaboration now more than ever required. Healthcare staff attitudes and experiences are primary in assessing collaboration effectiveness (Ansa et al., 2020).

NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

All healthcare professionals involving doctors, paramedics, and nurses, would be onboard on Marta’s care and discharge plan. Data would be shared using EHR among all the relevant staff to ensure quality care and improved outcomes for Marta. These meaningful consultations would not only enhance recovery of Marta and get her ready after four weeks of rehabilitation but also avoid any chance of readmission after her discharge. 

HIT offers multiple options for handling the critical data of patients. The exchange of information will be carried out through carefully developed and managed EHRs. It provides data sharing, examination of lab reports, and post-discharge strategies to be tailored according to the needs of individual patients. Patients can also access their examination reports and the history of tests performed earlier for a thorough assessment.   

The database in HIT is quite comprehensive for doctors, nursing staff, and other concerned healthcare staff involved. The system provides up-to-date information, specific and critical for the patient’s care planning. It helps the care providers with the relevant information for an in-depth analysis to provide quality care and improve patient outcomes. 


NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

Marta’s doctors could handle the care and prepare for discharge using HIT. The doctors, through the use of EHRs, could share data with orthopedics and infectious disease experts. The care manager handled Marta’s case through the mutually agreed upon care coordination plan. It was agreed that her recovery is achieved through strong emotional support provided by the care staff and the family support given by Marta’s uncle and aunt. The care staff understood the social determinants of health well, which would provide her strength to attend the follow-up consultations and therapy sessions. It was also decided that Marta’s family would engage their family nurse to support her during her follow-up visits. Patient satisfaction is achieved through coordinated care and EHRs integrated with Health Information Technology (HIT).

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