NURS FPX 6610 Assessment 4 Factors that Could Affect Outcomes for a Patient


To ascertain the factors that may influence a patient’s and, therefore, the treatment’s outcome, several components that may influence the course of illness and the patient’s reaction to the treatment must be analyzed. When making a reasonable and thoughtful conclusion, people should not overlook these factors and should clarify if they have some unspoken assumptions or doubts. Obviously, patient’s location and socioeconomic status might have a bearing on their outcomes. Lack of money implies that those coming from the low-SES end of the spectrum will have challenges in dealing with costs incurred by health care services, purchasing medications, and compliance with treatment plans, as explained by Adler and Newman (2020). It means that patients will be less healthy overall and the likelihood of having a complication with the infection is much higher.

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Research has confirmed that social support is a critical factor because it impacts patient outcomes. This research gathered insights from patients, family, friends, and community networks as well as treatment adherence and coping patterns to reflect on sources of social support while seeking treatment outcomes and coping mechanisms (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2015). On the other hand, those patients who do not have capable social support or social care may experience high stress levels, loneliness or otherwise, and may have challenges in managing their illnesses.

Resources Needed to Implement Continuing Care

According to Assessment 4, concrete realization of continuing care means identifying those resources required when logically valid conclusions are made based on all available information. The evaluation process involves making some decisions based on numerous factors, including the patient’s medical profile, healthcare options, funding, and affiliations. When the above factors have been well understood, one is better placed to determine what it would take to ensure that excellent continuing care is delivered. First, doctors and nurses need to evaluate the extent of a patient’s medical necessities to identify what resources are required. This is based on assessing the patient’s acuity, the severity of the complaints, and the intensity of the need for any interventions.

NURS FPX 6610 Assessment 4 Monitoring Patient

This includes monitoring the patient’s condition, the symptoms they present, and the treatments or interventions they require. For instance, consider a patient with multiple comorbidities and diseases like congestive heart failure and diabetes; the patient might need to see multiple physicians and have diagnostic tests and necessary prescriptions. Moreover, what other potential healthcare services are available in the community or within a specific healthcare setting should also be considered. This encompasses evaluating the number and density of physicians, including primary care physicians, specialists, hospitals, rehabilitation services, and other possible related services. It is crucial that the patient comprehend the availability and access indicators as they are the key determiners of whether she will be able to obtain the required services in a timely manner.

Patient Case Information to Stakeholders

NURS FPX 6610 Assessment 4 Communicating patient case details and updates to other stakeholders requires accurate, precise, intentional, and professional language, coupled with the conscious choice of appropriate tone with respect to the audience and in consonance with the intended purpose. This guarantees that all stakeholders, such as the attending doctors, the patient, any Next of Kin, and other involved parties, have an ample understanding of the patient’s status. To provide readability and precision, it is imperative to adapt the delivery of ideas according to the audience’s requirements. For instance, diagnostic data such as diseases, original treatments, and prognosis can be deemed pertinent for a healthcare provider (Hoffman & Jerome, 2020). On the other hand, patients and their families can actually benefit from explanations related that are in simple terms, with reinforcement of the important facts, advice and recommendations concerning the matter that concerns everyone and how they can cope with it to improve the quality of their lives.

The rate at which the presentation is delivered should also be considerate, consistent, and intentional, with the demeanour displaying confidence in the information to pass on as well as professionalism without overlooking the importance of patience, especially when addressing patients (Beach

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