NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 1 Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff - Online Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff: Making Decisions to Use Informatics Systems in Practice NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 1 Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff


The healthcare system has designed policies and guidelines to ensure the Nursing Informatics staff follows the standard procedure for providing effective healthcare services. These policies and guidelines ensure that the healthcare staff integrates healthcare services with Information Technology (ICT) while assessing, diagnosing, managing, preventing, implementing, and evaluating the respective patient’s condition.

Policy and Guidelines 

NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 1 Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff

Electronic Health Record (HER) system integrates healthcare services with technological aids to enhance the standard of care safety offered to patients. The technological tool which has been chosen is eMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Record). It is a system that automatically updates medication administration information in the EHR system through electronic tracking and radio frequency identification.

Evaluation of Function

NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 1 Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff

According to Fei et al. (2029), the eMAR system helps nurses to provide healthcare services remotely to patients. It increases the quality and safety of care by checking medication records and dispensing through the automated system. It ensures no drug-drug interactions and correct medication is dispensed to the correct patients. It prevents medication errors, reduces readmission rates, increases care safety, and enhances patient satisfaction and positive health outcomes.

According to Moore et al. (2020), the nurses were able to spend more quality time with the patient and were able to provide them with care. It also helped decrease the medication administration time, which increased the time nurses spend with patients and providing care based on care coordination and a patient-oriented approach.

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