NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 1 Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff


According to Sorensen et al. (2020), in Randers Reginal Hospital (Emergency Department), using eMAR has helped reduce the workload on nurses. It has provided them time to help in the counseling and care coordination with the patient. The system detected prescription, dispensing, and administration errors, thus enhancing patient safety and promoting positive health outcomes (Spinewine et al., 2021). The system also monitored medication and its administration route to ensure the quality of care. 

e-MAR Supports Strategic Plan

NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 1 Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff

e-MAR supports the strategic plan to minimize healthcare disparities caused by medication errors and to promote positive patient health outcomes. It reduces the work burden on the healthcare providers, especially the nurses, by doing their work and double checking if the medication provided is safe for administration in the respective patient. It counterchecks with its updated data to assess if the medication dosage, frequency, and concentration are acceptable and can be used in the patient or if it has any interactions. It ensures that the patient is administered the correct dosage, at the correct time, with the correct frequency, and to suitable patients. It helps simplify the healthcare process and eliminates errors contributing to health disparities. The system helps to increase communication between healthcare providers and patients by connecting them to healthcare services through the electronic system. It also keeps the healthcare providers in the loop with the patient’s medication regime and the medication being administered to analyze the effect of healthcare services on patients (Karnehed et al., 2022). Patient information is used carefully, and the data is only accessible by the healthcare providers involved in the patient’s care plan. The healthcare providers who can access the patient’s information collaborate to devise healthcare plans to increase the quality of care that the patient receives. 

Assessment of Workflow

NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 1 Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff

Following the eMAR system’s introduction, healthcare providers’ workflow efficacy has increased. Healthcare providers are now less burdened with their duties and claim to have ample time to spend with their patients. This helps to increase the efficacy of the work, and the standard of care offered also increases. As a result, patients experience patient-centered care, care coordination, autonomy and non-malicious care, and justified and equitable healthcare services. This increases collaboration among the patient and healthcare providers, increases patient compliance with healthcare regimes, digitalization reduces adverse events and near-miss events, thus increasing patient satisfaction. This reduces readmission rates and therapy costs and enhances positive clinical outcomes. Fewer errors cause less stress and anxiety and increase the healthcare providers’ productivity and morale. This increases the quality of healthcare services that are provided and improves the workflow of the healthcare providers as eMAR helps to reduce the workload and improve the workflow of healthcare providers (Albagmi, 2021). 

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