NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 Criteria and Rubric Development


            In addition, group discussions, peer review, and other interactive sessions can help learners better understand what is expected of them regarding grading. Discussions with the students on the assessment criteria and asking them to critique others’ work help the learning process (Howell, 2021). It also guarantees that the expectations of the grading system are well understood and assimilated by the students. Last but not the least, the educators should be willing to clear any doubt the learners may have concerning the grades. Giving learners a chance to discuss with the instructor during one-on-one consultations or virtual office hours enables them to seek clarification and get feedback on their performances (Howell, 2021). This way, learners can comprehend what areas or aspects the teacher expects them to achieve to get particular grades in the course.

Criteria Used to Help Clarify that Communication

            To ensure that learners understand grading expectations in the course, several guidelines can be used to ensure that communication is done effectively. First, it is essential to define grading criteria clearly. Stating the expectations for each assignment or assessment, including the assessment criteria and the weightage assigned to the different criteria, helps the learners understand what is expected of them and how they will be assessed (Remington, 2023). Another critical concern is the clarity of the grading system because students should know their performance. It helps the learners to know the grading criteria well and what is expected of them if they are to earn specific grades when examples of great work are provided for their reference.

Also, it is essential to communicate consistently and how it is delivered. Grading expectations should be clearly defined in all course-related materials, including the syllabus, assignment descriptions, and verbal instructions, to minimize the likelihood of learners’ misunderstanding (Remington, 2023). Finally, the issue of accessibility to resources for clarification also dramatically influences the communication process. Thus, students can use virtual office hours, course forums, or e-mail to get clarification on the grading and confidently proceed through the course.

Processes Used for Determining the Validity and Reliability

            NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 designing assessments for the holistic nursing practice course, one must pay attention to the validity and reliability of the designed assessments to accurately measure the student’s achievement level. The following is how to implement this strategy: Using the MCQs for the cognitive evaluation (Clemett & Raleigh, 2021). MCQs can be validated in content validity, where subject matter experts scrutinize the questions to check whether they fit the course objectives and cover the intended domain of the student’s learning. Furthermore, other statistical methods are used to assess the validity of MCQs, including item analysis, such as item discrimination and difficulty indices. Practical demonstrations or skills checklists can be used to assess psychomotor skills. Such assessments ought to be expensive, and their credibility may be evaluated by subjecting them to expert review to confirm their relevance to the course and that the procedures followed are standard (Clemett & Raleigh, 2021). It can be done by having different raters evaluate students’ performance and then comparing their results to compute their degree of agreement (Lyness et al., 2

21). Last but not least, regarding practical assessments, such as reflective essays, the validity can be confirmed by comparing the results with other assessment methods, for example, self-assessment or peer assessment (Lyness et al., 2021).

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Processes

            This is because these assessments allow the students to prove their ability to carry out specific tasks or procedures similar to real-life situations (Alobaidi, 2020). Nevertheless, psychomotor assessments have their drawbacks as well. They may consume much time, physical space, and tools to manage and coordinate. The use of reflective essays for affective assessment is practical and offers the following advantages in assessing the learners’ attitudes, values, and beliefs (Alobaidi, 2020). These assessments foster healthy self-reflection and enable the learner to see patterns in their learning.

Nevertheless, reflective essays have their drawbacks. On the self-reflective method, one may argue that affective outcomes require more objectivity and standardization as the interpretation of the content and or re

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