NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 Assembling and Administering


       Designing the tests for specific learning targets requires a clear and deliberate process to meet the course goals and assess the student’s performance somewhat. This paper outlines the following steps that can help educators develop appropriate assessments based on learning objectives.

Define Learning Outcomes

Enumerate the particular learning outcomes being assessed in the given task. These should directly relate to the course goals and are not limited to the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains (Conn et al., 2020).

Select Appropriate Assessment Methods

Self-assessment and peer assessments should be used only when the learning outcomes involve skills. Written exams or quizzes can be used to assess the cognitive level of learning. On the other hand, practical demonstrations may have focused on the psychomotor domain, and efficacy might have been gauged using reflective essays or case studies (Conn et al., 2020).

Develop Criteria and Rubric

Develop and state the assessment criteria and rubric that defines the expectations for each of the learning outcomes to be achieved. These tools offer a clear and specific approach to assessment, thus enhancing credibility and reliability (RADHA, 2023).

Create Test Items

This is by developing test items that reflect the learning outcomes that have been identified. Many types of questions may be used when setting cognitive objectives: multiple-choice, short-answer, and essay questions. For psychomotor skills, develop activities that are related to real-life activities (RADHA, 2023).

Administer the Test

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 , Organize the assessment at specific intervals so the evaluation can occur as planned. Provide precise guidelines and create a comfortable atmosphere so learners are not stressed and can easily concentrate on learning. Thus, the following should be considered when administering the assessment: learners’ characteristics, diverse learning styles, and needs (Kubiszny & Borich, 2024).

Collect and Analyze Data

Then, the student’s assessment results will be gathered and analyzed systematically. This involves assigning a score to each item based on the rubrics and identifying student work trends (RADHA, 2023).

Provide Timely and Constructive Feedback

Organize the delivery of the assessment results promptly and ensure that the students receive feedback to help them know where they stand in areas they need to improve. Feedback should be precise and point out the degree of effectiveness of the learning goals (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2024).

Reflect and Revise

Consider how proper the assessment process has been. It will be essential to gather student feedback, assess the overall performance trends, and determine the strengths and weaknesses of the existing assessment methods and the learning achievements (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2024).  Thus, the outlined steps are essential guidelines for maintaining the proper structure and relevance of the assessment process in measuring specific learning outcomes in holistic nursing practice. This approach benefits the student’s success and enhances the nursing education program.

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 Knowledge Gaps

The information supplied did not include the particular test formats and the practical facets of the course that will be used in evaluating the student’s psychomotor skills. Also, there is a lack of information on the criteria and rubric used to assess effective learning outcomes, as suggested by Kubiszyn and Borich (2024). There is also a lack of details on how pilot testing was done and the way and means used in data analysis to improve the assessment process. These gaps can be filled to provide deeper insights into the assessment method and its support for learning objectives.

Assesses Three Domains of Learning

Cognitive Domain

            To evaluate learning in the cognitive area, it is necessary to measure the capacity of learners to acquire, understand, and use knowledge, reason, and solve problems. Some of the most conventional forms of checking are written tests or quizzes, which can help determine the extent of learners’ achievement of cognitive learning outcomes (Wei et al., 2021). NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 2 include examinations where the students are expected to answer multiple choice questions, short answers, or essays, where the students are expected to memorize facts, analyze concepts, and apply their understanding of course content (Wei et al., 2021). Holistic nurs

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