NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 1 Learning Theories and Diversity


There are various cultural groups in the labor and delivery section of the healthcare center that include white Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and other western groups, etc. The learning way of each group varies from the other group.  There are four main learning styles which are auditory learning, visual learning, learning through reading/writing, and kinesthetic. Asians prefer to learn through visual aids in a highly organized environment. African Americans prefer to learn through kinesthetic with the help of colleagues and teaching staff. Hispanics learn in a highly organized environment utilizing kinesthetic resources (Aral et al., 2021). 

Diversity is important and nursing educators should consider this diversity while delivering knowledge. The educator must teach according to the knowledge, level, and cultural values of each learner. They should teach in a way that the sentiments of any ethnic group should not be hurt. Although the nurses present in a class of labor and birth are experienced ones and their experience level varies ranging from a year to twenty-five years of experience. Therefore, the exposure and knowledge level of every nurse is different from others and should be considered by educators. 

Evidence-based Strategies for Managing Conflicts

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 1 Learning Theories and Diversity

It is a significant challenge for a nursing educator to teach a class having diverse cultural and ethnic groups and deliver their own ideas effectively.  The educator needs to consider the age, culture, and ethnic beliefs of each cultural group. He/ she should consider the individual preferences of each learner. The educator will use emotional intelligence and will apply the approach of cultural sensitivity in the assessment of the learning style and behavior of each participant. The educator can review the experience and skills of learners through the past record and applications present about each participant. It is the responsibility of educators to provide an equal learning environment for each individual and provide opportunities to learners so that they can learn effectively without facing any barriers of culture and religion. The cognitive learning theory will enable the learners to observe and learn each minute thing using simulation and minimize the chance of any kind of conflict utilizing the collaborative approach to learning. The educator can utilize the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument to manage any kind of conflict in such a diverse classroom (Hansen, 2017).

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 1 Learning Theories and Diversity 

The model states the following strategies:

  • Collaboration
  • Competition
  • Avoidance
  • Accommodation
  • Compromise

The educator will identify the possible conflicts that can arise and will minimize them and the negative impacts associated with these conflicts. It will result in a better exchange of knowledge and promote an effective learning environment for learners. The learners will be able to focus the labor pain and management efficiently without fear of any biases and favoritism. 


The nursing educator has the fundamental role of teaching learners and providing them with opportunities to excel in their professional careers. Labor pain and management is the most important unit of hospitals that provides support to the patient for effective management of the pain and delivering the baby easily. The cognitive theory has provided opportunities for learners to effectively learn about labor pain and birth. The educator should consider the preferences of each learner and provide an equal environment for learning to achieve better outcomes.

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