NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 4 Creating a Professional Development Plan Development Plan

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 4 Creating a Professional Development Plan

Development Plan

My plan for professional growth entails the completion of the Master of Science degree in Nursing (MSN) with a specialization in nursing education, followed by the pursuit and completion of relevant professional certification courses. In my current practice as a clinical nurse, I am acquiring some of the clinical competencies needed for success as a nurse educator, including IV administration, catheterization, and the use of electrocardiograms. Since these are essential nurse educator competencies, there is a need for proficiency in their execution (Brennan & Olson, 2018). Apart from applying some of the procedures in my current clinical practice, I am taking extra training sessions to perfect my skills in the three areas of competency by attending workshops, organization-led training sessions, and other avenues of acquiring the skills. The MSN degree is the avenue through which I will develop the competencies in curriculum development and the practical education of students in clinical nursing. After the completion of the program – or towards the end of the program, I will take the two certifications offered by the National League of Nurses (NLN) for CNE. They include the Certified Nurse Educator (CNE®) and Certified Clinical Academic Nurse Educator (CNE®cl) programs. I intend to complete them within six months after completing the MSN program. 

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 4 Creating a Professional Development Plan


I have the capacity to meet the goals of promoting critical thinking among nurses, exposing the students to problem-oriented sessions, and inspiring knowledge on health management plans. Through the completion of the MSN program, I will have acquired the competencies required to achieve the goal of promoting critical thinking and designing problem-oriented sessions with students. With the income from my current practice, I believe I will be able to afford the professional certifications needed to be competitive as a nurse educator, which will catapult me to the institutions and environments where I can commence my practice as an educator and achieve the goals. Some of the gaps that I have in the achievement of the goals include my dearth of experience in teaching adults and limited knowledge in public health education. I will seek to address these gaps by practicing teaching in adult learning programs and participating in the public health initiatives that the facility with which I work currently conducts.


Akram, A. S., Mohamad, A., & Akram, S. (2018). The role of clinical instructor in bridging the gap between theory and practice in nursing education. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(2), 876-882.

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