Methods: The study used the Six Sigma Model (DMAIC cycle) as the QI method to introduce psychosocial support programs in the organization. These programs include strategies like patient-to-patient mentoring, support groups, and educational interventions for effective stress management.
Conclusion: The Six Sigma approach is proven effective for implementing QI initiatives. However, the limitations of time and complex procedures and expensive costs must be addressed promptly to avoid implementation hindrances. On the other hand, psychosocial support using peer mentoring, support groups, and patient education is an effective and evidence-based strategy to minimize stress among CKD patients. Nevertheless, successful execution requires interprofessional collaboration. This coordination is essential to ensure accountability and foster a sense of ownership, encouraging teams to make shared decisions and improve the quality of care for the patients.
Quality Improvement (QI) Method
The DMAIC approach, an integral component of the Six Sigma initiative, is a quality improvement method used in healthcare organizations. DMAIC is an abbreviation for “define, measure, analyze, improve, and control.” This method is used in healthcare systems to improve healthcare delivery, quality of care, and patient safety (Monday, 2022). Below are presented the steps of the DMAIC approach integrated with our QI initiative.
Challenges of QI Method
The DMAIC approach is a robust quality improvement method. However, several challenges are associated with the model. The complexity of the process and expensive costs are significant hindrances to the model’s effectiveness. According to Sony et al. (2020), the Six Sigma method is a multifarious cycle with extensive data collection, resulting in a time-consuming process. Moreover, the authors claim that applying the Six Sigma method is expensive and yields minimal benefits to the organization. Thus, it is essential to address these issues by prioritizing tasks to streamline the process and utilize technology for data analysis to combat time constraints. Additionally, to optimize resources, the stakeholders should focus on essential areas and learn the principles of the QI method to prevent unnecessary expenditure.
Evidence to Support QI Method
The DMAIC approach is a well-recognized and commonly used QI method in the healthcare industry. It is an evidence-based method used to enhance the quality of care and bring positive patient outcomes. The two distinct studies support using the Six Sigma DMAIC approach in the healthcare sector. A peer-reviewed article presents that this methodology has resulted in several benefits within healthcare organizations, such as improving operational efficiency, reducing medical errors, lessening patient waiting times, and improving patient experiences (McDermott et al., 2022). An observational study concluded that using the DMAIC method minimized the number of medication errors by pharmacists, including errors related to purchase, distributions, inventory management, and medication administration in a trauma center (Lourdu et al., 2023). Therefore, the approach is applicable, effective, and beneficial for QI initiatives in the healthcare domain.
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