NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique


Every individual ought to be treated in the same way as an independent agent in accordance with Belmont’s principle of respect, which entails equal protection. The rule of value help in getting the prosperity of all people without truly hurting any. The distribution of resources and services in accordance with each person’s needs and efforts is fair under the principle of justice. All of the research analyzed is based on safe exercise interventions that guarantee participant safety. Second, the research’s interventions should be tailored to the participants’ physical abilities and medical conditions. The intervention is mentioned in the article only with healthy participants, not with patients who have health issues.

Significance of the Research Problem

NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique

The significance of the research issue The risk of falls among elderly patients is the issue that is the subject of the quantitative research. Due to its severe effects on patients’ health and the economy, the issue is significant. Elderly people who fall can suffer severe injuries, including head injuries, other disabilities, or even death. Their limited independence may be caused by a disability or a fear of mobility (Vaishya & Vaish, 2020). In addition to causing physical harm, falls can also cause older patients psychological distress. Every year, about 30% of patients over 65 fall. In addition, the assessed care costs because of such falls result in nearly $50 billion every year (Florence et al., 2018). As a result, utilizing various interventions to address the problem is essential.

Evaluation of Quantitative Study

NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique

Informed choices about more established patients can be made accepting quantitative exploration as a wellspring of data. The results of the research show that exercise intervention works for older patients. Wellbeing suppliers conveying care to more established patients can use the preparation based practice mediation to diminish fall takes a chance in the ward. They can consolidate the mediation in their association’s strategies as a proof based practice. The examination work additionally proposes that experts do more research on the viability of the intercession by including financial circumstances. Health professionals can save patients from falling-related injuries, both physical and psychological, by using the research as an evidence-based practice. A comparison of the intervention to other fall-prevention strategies could enhance the study. Moreover, the consideration of information about the patient understanding and the financial states of the mediation might have made the examination work better.

Strengths and Weakness of Qualitative Research Study

Use It or Lose it: A Qualitative Study of The Maintenance of Physical Activity in Older Adults

NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique

Qualitative research study’s strengths and weaknesses Use it or lose it: A Qualitative Study of the Maintenance of Physical Activity in Older Adults While focusing on physical activities, this study also addresses the global problem of a lack of physical activity. Additionally, the article emphasizes the significance of physical activity and the ways in which it enhances quality of life. It provides better insights into the physical activity-related behavior that older adults maintain. The authors presented extensive research that investigated the effects of physical activity on the mental and physical health of elderly patients. The exploration work depends on a subjective way to deal with express the variables adding to active work conduct and upkeep level among more seasoned grown-ups. Two researchers coded the data and used a thematic analysis method to interpret it. They led face to face meets with the grown-ups who had been a piece of preliminary gatherings or had an involvement in locally situated work out. The study provides a comprehensive overview of the physical activity levels of older adults. Scientists led meetings of members at their homes which gave data about actual work levels among them when the mediation i.e., practice in preliminary gatherings (Acclaim), and locally established works out (OTAGO). In addition, they revealed the benefits for health, contributors, obstacles, and utilization of technology in sustaining physical activity. One more strength of the review is that the meetings were translated and dissected without changing the phrasing and furthermore they were investigated utilizing bona fide programming i.e., NVivo10. The benefits (physical and psychological), barriers, f

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