NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 1 Protecting Human Research Participants


The Health and Human Services Policy for the Protection of Human Research Subjects in 45 CFR Part 46 defines a human subject as a living individual who is the subject of an investigation by a researcher who gathers personal data and biological samples for use, examination, and evaluation (National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 2022). A person who a researcher uses, examines, and evaluates is also referred to as a human subject (National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 2022). The National Institutes of Health distinguish between two kinds of human subject research: interventional and observational approaches (National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 2022). According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 2022, an observational study involves the researcher monitoring subjects and collecting data without assigning participants to a specific treatment or therapy. These examinations focus on noticing expected reasons for sickness, the sign of ailment, and changes in illness advancement (Public Establishment of Dental and Craniofacial Exploration, 2022). In an interventional study, at least one natural or mental frameworks are changed by adjusting the member or the member’s environmental elements (Public Foundation of Dental and Craniofacial Exploration, 2022).

Strategies to minimize potential risks to research participants

NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 1 Protecting Human Research Participants

Since the beginning of examination, human subjects have frequently been presented to takes a chance with minimal comprehension of the likely outcomes (White, 2020). According to White (2020), these subjects frequently did not have a choice regarding whether or not to participate in the study and were not adequately informed of the risks they were taking. Consequently, participants have been harmed in numerous research experiments (White, 2020). Strategies have been implemented to reduce the risks to research participants as a result.

The Nuremberg preliminaries were a defining moment ever, drawing certain lines for research that would be directed on people. In response to the criminal experiments carried out in the German concentration camps, this trial was held after World War II (White, 2020). The Nuremberg Code was established as a result of these proceedings (White, 2020). The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research (1978) stated that although this code specified ten principles that physicians were required to adhere to when carrying out experiments on human subjects, it was insufficient for dealing with complex situations. Establishing, evaluating, and comprehending specific regulations will be made easier with a wider range of moral guidelines (White, 2020).

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