NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 4 Patient Family or Population Health Problem Solution Assessing the Problem; Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution


NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 4 Patient Family or Population Health Problem Solution

The specific patient a 67-year-old Somalian man known as Mr. Hassan was suffering from chronic hypertension for the past four years and was at risk of stroke and heart attack. Without the use of any smart app, this RN devised a plan to use telehealth solutions to treat hypertension issues. Using these novel technologies is also advised by the American Heart Association for proper measurement of blood pressure and heart rate (Wu & Song, 2018). Therefore, these details are vital to consider for nursing leaders in order to improve the quality outcomes in an increasingly complex healthcare environment. In order to cope with the increased demands of hypertension patients, nurse leaders used Electronic Health Records (EHR) and smartphone technologies to streamline workflows. The American Nursing Association ANA also recommends the use of videoconferencing; using these innovations as interventions and tools across healthcare settings will help to improve their profession. The role of a nursing leader is to become a role model for others; this includes communicating effectively and honoring the principles of justice and leadership (Rippe, 2019). The qualities of a good nursing leader such as excellent communication skills, creating healthy culture, and innovation is vital for achieving goals. Nursing leaders should also rely on conflict management and negotiation to improve hypertension self-management.   

Moreover, nursing ethics also impact the outcomes of patients to solve care-related issues such as hypertension. The most effective care paradigm for using telehealth for hypertension self-management is to use communication systems and observe patients’ autonomy. This means that informed consent and privacy and confidentiality are vital ethics that ensure patients’ rights to refuse medications or any other form of fearful psychotherapy intervention. Moreover, nurses should use telehealth apps to obtain medical information including observations and radiographic data, and also should never share the data with any unauthorized third parties. These ethics and leadership strategies will impact the care coordination outcomes and will help nurses to find a better solutions to patients’ problems (Rabi et al., 2020).  

Proposed Intervention

I have proposed an intervention of teaching plan presentation for the selected patient. The teaching plan will be focused on patient portal and smart app usage along with lifestyle modification for HTN self-management. Posters and presentations will also be used for patient education regarding the use of patient portals. Patient teaching will require teaching back to confirm thorough understanding. Mr. Hassan will also be encouraged to bring any supporting family members to the teaching that will be a stakeholder in his care. This RN will take note of specific concerns and comments that may be crucial to making sure the patient and other stakeholders understand the plan well.

Evidence-Based Practices for Communication and Collaboration

The hypertension issue requires nurses to interact well with patients by using tools and technologies to promote a seamless information flow. For instance, clinical communication & collaboration (CC&C) technologies can be utilized by psychotherapists and nurses to support communication with hypertension patients and monitor their activities remotely. Many hospitals in the United States have started using CC&C technologies which help professionals to exchange patient information and also get periodic notifications and warnings. Moreover, compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 HIPAA related to the use of communication software and methodologies is also vital to optimize multiple documentation information pieces and reports. Moreover, furthermore, to collaborate and communicate well with such patients, call alarm systems with notifications can also be used to optimize results. Another vital intervention is the use of telehealth tools for better management of online records to make them more accessible for nurses. This will allow the handling of distributed data for medical devices more manageable and nurses can easily integrate these tools in their current infrastructures. This will enhance the safe and secure remote collaboration between professionals as well as between nurses and their patients (Krist et al., 2020). This will also help the patients to reduce and better self-manage their blood pressure levels. 

State Board Nursing Practice Standards and/or Organizational or Governmental Policies

State board nurses’ practice and standards are important tools for professionals nowadays which help professionals and nu

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