NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Leadership Collaboration Communication Change Management and Policy Considerations

Family, Patient or Population Health Problem

The health problem considered for this capstone project is related to my personal experience. My mother experienced a health condition that connected deeply with my personal and professional life. In the year 2014, my mother suddenly had significant back pain and shortness of breath. After knowing the seriousness of the situation, I quickly brought her to the Houston Methodist Hospital. The medical testing revealed slightly raised troponin levels, indicating a mini-heart attack.

This critical incident provided a severe token of the prevalence and importance of a complex health issue. It became clear that several variables had contributed to her situation, including high blood glucose levels, raised cholesterol levels, and excessive triglycerides. All these factors affected her cardiovascular health and were identified in her case because of her less physical activity and the stress of being alone. The stressful situation and limited physical activity led the disease to aggravate, eventually ending up in the hospital. Being a professional nurse, I not only assumed the role of a concerned family member but also utilized my understanding of the broader implications of heart disease and the importance of its effective management.

Substantial Relevance of Heart Attack

A heart attack happens when a coronary artery is blocked, resulting in a lack of oxygen flow to the heart’s muscles. Symptoms include pain in the chest, breath shortness, and back pain. High blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, and a family history of cardiovascular problems are all significant risk factors for the disease. Around 610,000 individuals die annually from heart attacks in the U.S., accounting for 1 in every 4 deaths. Moreover, around 2.35 million people are injured in car accidents yearly due to drivers experiencing heart attacks and losing control of their vehicles (Chowdhury et al., 2019). This high prevalence of the disease advocates the need for effective management so that the best possible care and treatment can be provided to people experiencing this health issue.

Peer-Reviewed Literature and Professional Sources that Guide Nursing Actions 

Nurses are critical in managing cardiac disease, guided by peer-reviewed literature and professional sources. They educate patients about self-care practices like healthy lifestyles, diet, and physical exercises. A study by Son et al. (2022) presented the efficacy of nurse-led heart failure self-care education in improving patient outcomes, especially regarding readmissions and mortality. On the other hand, nurses’ constant commitment to supporting patients emotionally enables them to combat their disease and improve stressful situations (Cimmino et al., 2022). The above-cited clinical literature is reliable as it aligns with my nursing experiences. Additionally, data reliability is accessed by journal reputation, methodology, conflicts of interest, peer review status, and transparency. Considering these factors, informed decisions can be made about incorporating evidence into my practice by relying on critical thinking and nursing expertise.

Potential Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice and Guiding Frameworks

Implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) in heart attack care may encounter various challenges. These include a need for more awareness among healthcare professionals, limited resources, and resistance to change. Little knowledge about evidence-based practices and theoretical frameworks may hinder healthcare professionals from utilizing best practices in their workplaces. This may lead to using traditional measures, leading to several disease treatment and management gaps.

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Leadership Collaboration Communication Change Management and Policy Considerations

Healthcare organizations may need more resources while implementing evidence-based practices, leading to fragmented care. While resistance to change is another crucial barrier that may hinder healthcare professionals in implementing recent and evidence-based practices, patients may also need to show more support in adopting these practices due to the fear of their effectiveness and applicability. Addressing the aforementioned barriers and difficulties requires education, organizational support, resource improvement, and a commitment to quality improvement by implementing evidence-based practice and a guiding framework.

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