NURS FPX 4060 Social, Cultural, and Economic Determinants of Safety in Disaster Management

Social, Cultural, and Economic Determinants of Safety in Disaster Management

Determinants of health are multifaceted factors influencing an individual’s well-being. They encompass a range of elements, including biological, environmental, social, and economic factors. Biological determinants involve genetics and individual health behaviors. Environmental factors include physical surroundings, such as air and water quality (Oh & Lee, 2020). Social determinants, such as education, employment, and social support, play a crucial role, while economic factors encompass income and access to resources. Understanding these determinants is essential for comprehending the broader context within which safety, health, and disaster recovery efforts unfold in a community.

Cultural Barriers Impacting Health

Cultural factors significantly influence health and disaster recovery efforts. Diverse cultural perspectives may affect individuals’ beliefs about health, preventive measures, and willingness to engage with healthcare services. Cultural barriers can hinder effective communication between healthcare providers and community members, impacting the delivery of essential information during disasters (Méndez et al., 2020) . Tailoring disaster recovery strategies to align with cultural norms and values is crucial for fostering community trust and engagement.

Social Barriers to Safety and Health

Social barriers, including societal structures, inequalities, and disparities, play a pivotal role in community safety and health outcomes. Income inequality, lack of access to education, and limited social support systems can exacerbate vulnerabilities during disasters. Addressing social barriers requires a comprehensive approach that tackles systemic issues, promoting equal access to resources and opportunities. A socially inclusive disaster recovery plan recognizes the importance of community engagement, ensuring that the needs of all social groups are considered and addressed.

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