NURS-FPX 4060 Practicing in the Community to Improve Population Health Prof. Date Health Promotion Plan Presentation


Hello., I am Kenneth. I am thankful to all of you for joining us in this educational session. I’ll discuss a health promotion plan for the disease of Sudden Infant Death (SID). Children die every minute due to SID in the US. According to medicine and science studies, these infants’ development requires support from a comprehensive healthcare approach. These babies’ mothers have been discovered to use drugs and engage in other risky activities. According to research by Monnelly and Becher (2020), sudden infant death syndrome (SID) is the premature death of a healthy newborn younger than 12 months (Yamout et al., 2018). Despite a careful examination of the scene of death, a review of the clinical history, and an autopsy, the cause of death is still unknown. Abrupt infant death syndrome is the term used to describe the sudden death of a newborn younger than one-year-old who appeared to be in good condition (SID). It is often known as crib death because neonates often die in their cribs. Despite the fact that the precise cause of SID is unknown, it appears to be related to problems in the part of a baby’s brain that controls respiration and waking up from sleep (Tester et al., 2018).

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4: Health Promotion Presentation

Although sleep programs are remarkably efficient, SID is the leading cause of infant death worldwide and in the United States. Due to considerable public health initiatives targeting high-risk groups to improve sleep environments and practices, the SID rate has recently stayed stable. The American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendations for a secure newborn resting environment is discussed with the multiple states’ SID registry maintained by the United States (Peng et al.,  2019). Researchers have discovered some risk factors researchers have found risk factors as possibly increasing in newborns. You can also take precautions to protect your baby from SID.

The Plan Based on Specific, Identified Health Needs and Goals

Such a healthcare strategy must be built because of how serious the community health situation is in the United States. Our public health nurses can manage difficult conditions, but their efforts to prevent SID in infants are less successful without a clear strategy. The term “abrupt infant death syndrome” refers to the sudden death of a newborn younger than one year of age. Since children who die from SID most frequently do so while asleep, the disorder is still referred to as “crib death.” The scarcity of options is one of the factors that makes SID so terrifying. Despite years of research, SID is still the primary reason infants between one month and one year pass away (Gray et al., 2019)

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4: Health Promotion Presentation

One study found that the following factors may increase a baby’s risk of SID. Infants prefer to sleep on their stomachs than their backs. Infants who slept on soft surfaces were covered in blankets and loose bedding. An infant and an adult or child sharing a bed. To prevent oropharyngeal obstruction, sucking on a pacifier causes the tongue to advance. The pacifier’s apparent ability to avoid SID may be related to how it affects sleep posture. Consequently, a suitable strategy is required to direct mothers in preventing SID in their newborns (Oliveira et al., 2020).

Further research has shown that having a child sleep in the mother’s bedroom can reduce the chance of SID. For as long as six months, ideally up to a year, a baby can rest alone in a crib, bassinet, or another infant-specific sleeping arrangement in their mother’s room. The idea that parents’ ability to put their kids to sleep lowers their likelihood of having SID has been refuted by recent studies. A healthcare nurse will therefore need an evidence-based strategy to reduce the risk of SID. A similar reduction in SIDS risk was shown in a study that examined how SID might arise in children who had been breastfed for at least six months.

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4: Health Promotion Presentation

Because chronic disease onset is on the rise, every patient, who is impacted needs competent care. A healthcare strategy must be developed, and measures must be taken to raise awareness of the significant issues caused by excessive carelessness. Nurses play an essential role in raising public awareness because they know the patients’ behavior. Setting up SMART goals(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) can assist in determining the community’s health requirements and achieving the desired goals for the patients who die from SID (Trapl et al., 2021).

Additionally, counseling sessions on how to form healthy relationships and control eating during pregnancy can be taught to them. SMART goals are pretty

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