NURS FPX 4060 Educational Outcomes and the Attainment of Agreed-Upon Health Goals


Adolescent smoking habit is much more inclined to develop in smokers who smoked cigarettes as children. The incidence of long-term disease and sickness is reduced by smoking cessation. Tobacco has a yearly expenditure of $2,292 in the United States (Kasza et al., 2020). By giving up smoking, you will even be ensuring the well-being of your friends and family members who do not smoke. Breathing smoke increases the risk of developing emphysema, coronary heart disease, and strokes. It increases the likelihood that individuals may develop lung conditions such as bronchitis, pharyngitis, breathing, and pneumonia ( Xie et al., 2020). 

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The adolescent group was tasked with producing Healthy People 2030 objectives to be utilized in the campaign (Healthy People, 2030). The institution’s main aims for the adolescents in the school included decreasing the number of people exposed to smoking, controlling teenagers, supporting fostering a healthy lifestyle, and education, and decreasing the consumption of nicotine products altogether. The objectives had a 60-day time restriction with a 1-month development adequate and were once more reasonable and verifiable. Let us examine how we did over the last 30 days.

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

To spread the word about some of these health consequences, we created informative billboards and pamphlets and got permission to hand these around. We appeared to have connected to every main objective factor. The initial three successive polling suggests that individuals are consuming the information, however, there is no evidence that anybody has changed their smoking behavior in a way to the information. We might adjust the text by including different images or emphasizing the advantages of refraining from utilizing nicotine products, including how giving up smoking lessens sickness risk or disease intensity (Colston et al., 2021). We chose a group of adolescents who already are most likely to smoke tobacco in the upcoming to start their education in higher educational institutions. By assisting teenagers, assuring that nicotine addiction cessation is addressed in such a range of venues, and drastically lowering nicotine consumption, the promoting health plan would be extended to better serve the community. We asked the facility to permit these adolescents to participate in neighborhood and educational anti-smoking campaigns (Noar et al., 2018).

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