NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 2 Community Resources Public Health and Safety Improvement by Mission and Vision of CDC


The CDC’s purpose is to preserve the American people from well-being, protection, and security issues that are public or private in source, chronic infections, treated effectively or completely avoidable and based on assumptions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports the struggle against diseases by enabling people and community members to experience and understand through health care and education advancement. The CDC conducts important biomedical research and propagates health information that is essential in protecting people from serious and widespread threats to health. 

To improve health, the CDC regards everybody with sincerity, honor, and respect. These programs incorporate treatments that require teamwork, attempting to address public health by emphasizing numerous different health outcomes simultaneously, enabling fair chances for promoting health and lessening health inequities. They also provide relevant data so that collaborators can make choices that maximize people’s quality of life while also trying to keep the budget under control.

The ability of the CDC to Promote Equal Opportunity and Improve Quality of Life

The main aim and highest priority for the CDC are to achieve equity in health, restrict efficiency, and promote health for people and populations. The CDC’s Healthy Community Members Curriculum promotes the elimination of ethnic and demographic health disparities as a component of its chronic disease prevention and health-promoting activities. Societies are stimulated to recognize and assess socioeconomic factors, along with improving these constraints through climate conditions, to ensure health on a local, state, and federal level (“CDC – Attaining health equity – Healthy communities’ program,” n.d.). 

One of the CDC’s top objectives is to acquire equity in health by completely removing health disparities and attaining better health for all Americans. In terms of hiring employees, going to publish research journals, fundraising for scientific studies, and offering health care and education publicity facilities, the CDC has always been transparent in its activities. The CDC enhances society’s standard of living by making sure that people feel safe and secure in an environment free of viral infections and other physical hazards, hence enhancing the quality of life (“Health equity,” 2020).

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