NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1 Health Promotion Plan CG The current population health data


  Teenage has a great impact on the social and economic status of society. In the US, between the years 1991 to date, teenage pregnancy has reduced from 60% to 22%. The main cause of this significant reduction in the cases of teenage pregnancy is the government’s efforts through creating awareness about teenage pregnancy and impact health, social and economic impacts (Garney et al., 2019). However, despite the government’s efforts, the United States still remains one of the countries with the highest number of cases of teenage pregnancy. In 2010, CDC declared teenage pregnancy a must-win battle in the US and globally due to its social, economic, and health impacts on the teenage population. After that, CDC came up with a program that incorporated an evidence-based approach to preventing teenage pregnancy in the US. Such intervention would be implemented through partnership and collaboration between CDC and the relevant public health organizations. 

The factors that contribute to health, health disparities, and access to services

  One of the main factors that contribute to the rise in the cases of teenage pregnancy, access to care, and health disparity is drugs and substance abuse. Drugs and substance abuse result in reckless behaviors demonstrated by teenagers, which makes them vulnerable to unintended pregnancies. (Garney et al., 2019) Some of the reckless behaviors portrayed by the teenagers after abusing drugs are engaging in unprotected sex and the young girls being taken advantage of by peers who abuse drugs. Lack of sex education also contributes to the cases of teenage pregnancy due to naivety and lack of knowledge about teenage pregnancy by the adolescent population. For instance, with the knowledge of sex education, teenagers are aware of the use of protection during sex and contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy. 

The importance of establishing agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with hypothetical participants

  Based on the identified causes of teenage pregnancy and its social, health, and economic impacts, there is a need to set health goals to reduce the rising cases of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy impacts ado scents socially through society’s stigma they are subjected to. Economically, it limits teenagers from achieving their goals which cripples them financially (McFarlane et al., 2019). Teen pregnancies also have health impacts on the teenagers, such as pregnancy complications, sexually transmitted diseases, and mental illnesses. Therefore, the first goal should be to improve sex education among teenagers. The second goal is to make contraceptives accessible to teenagers. Sex education conducted through school curriculums will create awareness about the negative impacts of teenage pregnancy. Making contraceptives through healthcare facilities and educational institutions will also reduce the causes of teenage pregnancy.


Cook, S. M., & Cameron, S. T. (2017). Social issues of teenage pregnancy. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine, 27(11), 327-332. 

Fisher, C. M., Kerr, L., Ezer, P., Kneip Pelster, A. D., Coleman, J. D., & Tibbits, M. (2020). Adolescent perspectives on addressing teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted 

infections in the classroom and beyond. Sex Education, 20(1), 90-100. 

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1 Health Promotion Plan CG

Garney, W. R., Wilson, K., Nelon, J. L., Hays, C., Garcia, K. M., Muraleetharan, D., … & McLeroy, K. (2019). Understanding innovation in health program planning and 

development. Evaluation and Program Planning, 73, 226-231. 

Kaphagawani, N. C., & Kalipeni, E. (2017). Sociocultural factors contributing to teenage pregnancy in Zomba district, Malawi. Global public health, 12(6), 694-710. 

McFarlane, S. J., Kim, S., Kirch Schneider, K., & Dubey, S. (2019). Cultural factors influencing teenage pregnancy in Jamaica. Culture, health & sexuality, 21(8), 929-945. 




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