The second goal is evidence-based research. Healthcare staff will require a lot of knowledge about the topic to manage trauma-exposed patients. This knowledge not only will help them in evidence-based practice but introduces and utilize new therapies for patients’ mental health improvement. The research should include study about traumas, trauma effects, symptoms of PTSD, commonness in posttraumatic reactions, reasons behind traumas, techniques, therapies to address the problem, self-care strategies, etc. (Cohen et al., 2008).
The third goal is to educate people about trauma and its suffering. They should be aware of how and when to access mental health help. Healthcare organizations and providers should work on this matter. They should communicate with them about treatments and wellness activities, like exercise, outings, etc. that can improve their posttraumatic condition. They should manage to give people easy and timely access to healthcare systems and support as well by creating helplines or using telehealth technology (SAMHSA, 2014). Moreover, they should be educated that how to assist their loved ones to cope with mental stress and other posttraumatic conditions. Some people that experience traumatic stress are working individuals. They may suffer from traumas due to any disaster or other factors previously described. Managers of organizations should be educated to identify such cases (post-disaster trauma) and support the most vulnerable staff members for better results. They should promote coping mechanisms and exercise rather than denial. Members suffering from post-disaster psychological issues must be helped by the organization to get timely psychological help. Organizations can schedule workshops and short learning sessions for developing coping mechanisms in workers (Brooks et al., 2018).
Another and most important goal is to include elements in the coordination plan that are in line with the patient’s psychological needs and preferences. Healthcare providers should honor patients’ opinions in deciding on therapies. This is how a patient feels empowered and it helps him/her in decision-making (Sweeney et al., 2018). Implementation of these goals leads to another milestone to achieve which is financial support. Placing new adjustments to fulfill traumatic patients is sometimes costly. For that purpose, health settings and organizations should get financial funding from health agencies.
There are several trauma-informed treatment modalities for adolescents. Research on these therapies resulted in positive outcomes in the mitigation of posttraumatic effects (Zettler, 2020). There are various resources for trauma. Support groups are an important type of community resource. Representatives of a support group exchange various forms of aid with one another. Individuals in a support group can share their perspectives, coping mechanisms, and first-hand knowledge of the trauma or therapy. Participating in such a service allows everyone to communicate with people who share their values and appreciate one another. It can enhance the sufferer’s coping skills and lessen loneliness by regulating the experience of recovery and boosting the survivor’s self-efficacy via information and sharing of resources. (Brooks et al., 2020). The following are some advantages of attending a support group: fewer emotions of isolation, hostility, or denial. Stress, melancholy, and fatigue are reduced. Some additional community resources that can be utilized are.
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