NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 Protected Health Information (PHI) Best Practices Summary of Confidentially Laws


There are numerous healthcare laws that are targeted to secure patient information and sensitive data in healthcare settings i.e., HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). This legislature ensures the protection of patient’s sensitive information and personal health information (PHI). It also enhances the continuum of care provision quality standard (Hayes & Vance, 2020). There are many activities, operations, and functions initiated at the governmental level to promulgate security and confidentiality. These governmental operations use HIPAA rules and electronic health records (EHR) (Arogundade, 2023). Recently, a confidentiality breach case happened at Vila Hospital in which a patient’s pictures were shared on Instagram. Protected Health Information (PHI) refers to any healthcare information and data associated with the patient and healthcare provision. It may include disease identification, treatment, tools, and any other related information (Moore & Frye, 2019).

The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Safeguard Data

Interprofessional collaboration plays an important role in healthcare organizations to protect patient’s confidential information and data. There should be strong coordination and communication between nurse practitioners to guarantee the protection of safety rules and regulations. IT workers are extremely important in this regard. All electronic tools used in a healthcare organization should be protected by advanced software designed by the IT team (Fleming et al., 2019).

It infers that interprofessional collaboration can play a vital role in data protection and overcoming security challenges in healthcare organizations. It will help all the stakeholders to participate in protecting patient’s sensitive information. Nurses will be benefited significantly as they will be well aware of the protection and security of their patient’s information. In short, interdisciplinary coordination is important to ensure the safety of patient’s healthcare information, confidentiality, and privacy (Torres-Castaño et al., 2023)

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