NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 3: PICO (T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach


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Capella University

NURS-FPX 4030 Making Evidence-Based Decisions

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PICO (T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

In the PICO(T) research framework, PICO(T) is an acronym that stands for patient, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time in a clinical research problem. The PICOT procedure starts with a case situation and a question designed to elicit a response. This research study will describe a practice problem involving patients with depression and anxiety, and the implementation of the PICO(T) procedure. In this work, the identification of evidence sources, the role of key findings from research articles, and the importance of relevant findings will help to answer the research question.

Use of PICO (T) Approach When Caring for Patients with Depression

The practice issue is depression or anxiety, described as persistent despair or loss of interest in activities. It can also interfere with sleep and appetite. The symptoms also include tiredness and lack of attention. It has affected the more than 4 percent of the worldwide population which includes young and old persons. More then 200 million people have been affected by depression. It is not like ordinary emotional responses or mood swings in ordinary conditions. The frequent and intense depressions can cause severe health complications. Due to this affected person suffers and is not able to perform his/her best at work or in the family. In some severe cases, it also leads to death. More than half  a million leave this world thorugh suicide. Among individuals ranging from 14 to 30, suicide is one of the most highest cause of mortality deaths (Khubchandani et al., 2021).

NURSFPX 4030 Assessment 3: PICO (T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

Nurses must have the skills and professional abilities to properly manage patients with depression issues. They also carry out interventions and activities to effectively treat obese patients.  Due to this the practice question that arises is: In patients with the problem of depression or anxiety (P), the use of integrated therapies (CBT along with drugs) (I) is more effective than utilizing a single intervention (C) for depression reduction (O) within 3 months (T). The identified intervention strategy is patient-centered care (PCC) which focuses more on the individual experience and understanding of his/her needs rather than the pure adoption of healthcare providers’ skills (Cardel et al., 2022). In this case, the first step is the identification and assessment of the patient’s information, demographics, daily activities, and nutrition. The intervention covers numerous therapies and treatments employed in the healthcare system by healthcare practitioners and nurses. 

Identification of Sources of Evidence

The Iowa Model Revised is an evidence-based practice to promote quality in healthcare was selected for solving the PICO(T) question. A team of nurses from the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics and College of Nursing created this research model in 1994.

The first step is to identify the plausible reasons for change, the model identifies the possibilities for advancing excellence in healthcare through the use of an evidence-based approach. The purpose is clearly stated in the second step. To establish clear goals and assist the user stay focused, it is suggested that the question or purpose be articulated in a Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome (PICO) structure. The next step is to determine whether the problem is a high priority for the individuals affected. This may be perceived by the patients served or the organization involved. So if the problem is urgent, the user proceeds to the next step. The next step entails building a team. The team includes all the stakeholders who are involved in the practice change. The next step is to gather, evaluate, and synthesize the evidence. This step entails creating a protocol, implementing the plan, preparation of clinicians, and advocating adoption. If the change is suitable, it must be sustained by including stakeholders, linking the change into the workflow, and reevaluating as needed. Finally, the findings should be assessed and used to help others execute comparable practice changes within other institutions (Cullen et al., 2022).

NURSFPX 4030 Assessment 3: PICO (T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

For relevant evidence, the databases that were used included, Google Scholar, CINAHL, Pubmed, the American Journal of Psychology, the Journal of Anxiety and Depression, and the European Journal of Depression. All the databases searched had a date limitation of articles published during t

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