NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1 Benefits of These Strategies in Building Professional Competence


Effective and friendly communication practices can improve the state of delivering mothers. However, further enhancement can be made if there are efforts for the improvement of physical and mental health as well. 

Healthcare workers or nurses should communicate with the patient and her family members. A patient can better tell about her physical and psychological needs. This can help healthcare providers to take better decisions based on the present state of the patient. 

In this regard, all the workers working in that gynecology ward should collaborate with each other and reach a particular suggestion. 

Effective communication with the mother and among healthcare workers can improve the present state and prevent the post-partum issues of the new mother. 

This will also assist in evidence-based practice as for all the upcoming delivery cases, the healthcare nurse will be using her previous knowledge. Continuum care can improve the state of the mother’s health through a series of care strategies at a particular time and space (Kikuchi et al., 2018).

Best Places to Complete Research within the Workplace Environment

The medical and nursing domain requires wide, extensive, and up-to-date research. 

It helps the healthcare worker to know about new studies, treatment techniques, and care strategies for pre- and post-natal care. Many printed and digital academic resources can help in this literature review and adoption of knowledge. 

Some examples of these resources are peer-reviewed articles, seminars, magazines, and healthcare websites. These literature sources can help a healthcare worker to better deal with maternal and neonatal care with the help of evidence. 

Some digital resources which can provide sufficient information on this subject are Google Scholar, PubMed, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.  

These digital platforms provide tons of research articles, expert guidelines, patient experiences, and surveys on maternal and neonatal care. This care can also be ensured through a policy-based approach by the government (Song et al., 2018).

Types of Resources for Accessing the Information

There are many primary and secondary resources that provide valuable information to the healthcare workers for maternal and neonatal care.

 Primary resources on maternal and neonatal healthcare are designed and integrated by WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) which are globally implemented and followed. 

If we talk about a particular healthcare setting, the primary information will be obtained through interviews, surveys, and EHR/EMR software (Frost, 2020). These online resources also help to gather other patients’ experiences and some complex cases which can help to design precautionary and best-treatment measures for the patient. CRAAP test is a valid test that is used to analyze the credibility of resources. 

This test comprises a set of self-questions that enlightens the Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose (Patterson et al., 2021). This ensures that whether the information is implementable, relevant or gathered from a credible source or not

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