NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan JJ Evidence-based strategies


The safety of the patient is the core of health care provisions. Simulating a culture and organizational change of reporting the harms and preventing the adverse effect of the disease can enhance the efficiency of quality care to patients at hospitals (Abstoss et al., 2011). The job satisfaction of the nurses and reduction of nurse burnout along with flexible working time, the reduced workload can also improve the health care prevent the medication errors (Djulbegovic and Guyatt, 2017). For example, as in this case, the less crowding of the floor can lead to the easy availability of the physician and nurse can get guidance related to the dose administration the adverse drug effects and interactions can be prevented by computerized no intercepted record keeping, it can also reduce the cost of medication (Poon et al., 2010). In this case, the coordination of the nurses and enhanced communication measures along with sill building and decision-taking training (Pournamdar and Zare, 2016) can also provide better results as the nurses will be able to make decisions on an emergency basis and coordinate if necessary.

Improvement of plan with evidence-based practice

The issue faced in this paper regarding poor record-keeping can be amended by electronic record keeping which can be coordinated online with fellow nurses as well. Such a system would address the medication error and enhance safe efficient care practices (Bowman, 2013). Identification of patient safety foals and risk factors, enhancing coordination and communication strategies, skill-building of nurses and staff can prevent medication errors. The load of the work on the imbalance nurse-patient ratio requires recruitment of the appropriate staff (Cheragi, et al., 2013). The regular training and skill development of the nurses will enhance their knowledge and prevent the risk of medication errors. Patient awareness can also be beneficial in this regard. 

The goal of the health care provisions should be patient-centred safe health care provisions. The environmental and individual factors should be addressed to prevent the loss of medication and economic resources and prevent the long hospital stays of patients. 

Resources for implementation 

Medication error prevention measures require implementation and evaluation programs for policy measures. It will require personal resources at the end of nurses and hospital organizational resources to overcome the frequent medication issues. The drug interaction, overdosing, wrong administration and poor comprehension and negligence of the medication procedures will use most of the individual efforts. Nurses should be made more aware of the situation of the health care system while administering the medication. There should be no interruption, verbal, nonverbal. The nurse should check the previous history identify the patient to go forward with the administration process. After confirmation of the identity of the patient and his history the notes should be analyzed for the mediation requirements, any ambiguity should be addressed immediately to avoid any drug abuse and adverse effects. While administering the medicine any engagement of the mental and physical condition should be avoided. The nurse should use safe, hygienic and efficient protocols while administering the medicine intravenously to ensure the prevention of infection spread and mishandling of the syringe. The oral medication requires a reassessment of the correct dose and type to avoid overdosing. 

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan JJ

Organization management should be aware of the recruitment of the nurses according to the resources of the hospital. The number of requirements and patient load should be managed to avoid overcrowding. The hiring should be conducted on the basis of skill and knowledge to ensure the patient safety. It will require face to face interviews and practical questions while interviewing them. The working nurses should be polished for their skills by regular training sessions leading to personal preference, motivation, and encouragement for avoiding errors, reducing costs of the health care system and providing right and efficient care. 


Medication administration errors are common in hospital settings regarding record keeping, intravenous or oral dose, the quantity of dose and mishandling of administration procedure. The frequency of medication errors requires rigorous multisectoral planning and implementation structure, environmental, individual and organizational. The root cause analysis of the medication errors in the health care units described the lack of coordination, poor record-keeping, lack of decision making, overcrowding of the hospitals, imbalance of the patient and nurse ratio le

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