NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Attempt 3 Enhancing Quality and Safety Factors that lead to Patient Safety Risk


Many factors are concerned with patient safety in a healthcare setting. If there is poor communication between doctors, doctors and nurses, the healthcare organization will not be successful. They will face various problems, medical errors and financial loss. The drugs that sound alike and medications that look alike may confuse nurses who are not experienced. When the doctors may use medical abbreviations that the rest of the organization is unaware of, it can lead to medical errors as there will be a communication gap between the members of the organization (Keers et al., 2018). The nurses and doctors need to realize their responsibilities and ensure that the patient is safe in the hospital. Experienced personnel should tackle intricate procedures; otherwise, medical errors may occur. If the organization is understaffed, the staff does not get sufficient sleep; they are not aware of the hospital’s policies, which can also lead to medical errors.

Organizational Interventions to Promote Patient Safety

Safety improvement plans help with reducing medical errors. It has been reported by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) that about one million individuals in the United States are harmed every year due to medical errors (Rodziewicz et al., 2022). The organization can improve the quality of care by forming an interprofessional team that keeps a check and balance for all the events in the healthcare facility. The organization can hire new nurses, arrange workshops, guide them by hiring experienced mentors, and grab new stakeholders’ attention. It will increase the amount of funds and resources, which will ultimately help the organization in providing better care to the patient (Jember et al., 2018). Due to excessive workload, nurses get burnt out and do not perform well. Hence, it is necessary to hire a nurse manager who can schedule nurses’ shifts so they can rest and have a positive aura the next time they come to the hospital.

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