NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Attempt 3 Enhancing Quality and Safety


Furthermore, the organization can form protocols for discharging patients, medication reconciliation, and electronic tools. The organization can hire a risk manager who could assess the positives and negatives of the hospital by analyzing the data provided to find solutions for minimizing medication administration errors. The organization can label drawers and bottles with SOPs for their usage. It will significantly reduce the risk of administration errors (Rodziewicz et al., 2022).

Role of Stakeholders

In a healthcare setting, stakeholders help ensure that patients get premium care. They are not harmed by nurses, doctors, educators, researchers, and administrators. The stakeholders include professionals, policymakers, managers, clinicians, clinical assistants, patients, and payors (the one who provides funds to the organization). Stakeholders include pharmaceutical, biotechnology companies and research communities at the industry level. Stakeholders are essential as they ensure the successful adoption of resources, skills, and knowledge by the organization for implementing the plan related to minimizing medical administration errors (Shawahna, 2020). Stakeholders have the power to influence the opinions of the public as well. They ensure that the best outcomes are produced. According to World Health Organization (WHO), a lack of training and evidence-based knowledge affects nurses’ decisions and can enhance the rate of medical errors. The stakeholders in such a situation address the issue and try to find solutions for it. If the Quality Improvement (QI) measures proposed by stakeholders are fully implemented, it can lead to a better quality of care for patients (Clapper, 2018).


It is essential to address medical errors. They are a cause of multiple deaths around the world each year. This assessment aims to minimize medical errors due to the wrong administration of drugs or doses. Stakeholders are crucial for improving the quality of care for the patients. Medication administration errors can be minimized by better communication between doctors and nurses and proper mentoring or training inexperienced nurses. 

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