NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 3 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal


This assessment centers on the development of an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan within a healthcare organization with the primary objective of reducing post-operative infections. In this context, we will explore essential components of the plan, including collaboration strategies, leadership approaches, resource allocation, and the potential consequences of inaction. By examining real-world examples and drawing from best practices in healthcare, this assessment aims to provide a comprehensive framework for achieving tangible improvements in patient care coordination, infection prevention, and overall healthcare outcomes.


  The objective of this evidence-based interdisciplinary plan is to mitigate the incidence of post-operative infections by 20% within a 12-month timeframe, within our healthcare organization. This goal aligns with a growing body of research emphasizing the critical importance of reducing surgical site infections to enhance patient safety and healthcare quality. By focusing on a collaborative, evidence-based approach involving multiple healthcare teams, we aim to contribute to the broader discourse on healthcare-associated infections (Sartelli et al., 2020). The central question guiding this endeavor is whether our interdisciplinary plan can successfully harness the synergy of various healthcare disciplines to achieve a substantial reduction in post-operative infections.


In line with this objective, several predictions underpin our evidence-based plan. First and foremost, we predict a significant 20% reduction in post-operative infection rates within the next 12 months. We pose the question: Can our comprehensive, interdisciplinary interventions mirror the successes observed in prior studies? Furthermore, we anticipate improved antibiotic stewardship practices and reduced inappropriate antibiotic usage, thereby addressing a recognized risk factor for post-operative infections. Our inquiry focuses on whether enhanced antibiotic stewardship will indeed result in decreased infection rates (Nader Aghakhani & Michael El Boghdady, 2023).

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 3

We also predict that improved interdisciplinary communication will foster a more coordinated approach to infection prevention, supported by literature emphasizing the importance of effective teamwork in reducing healthcare-associated infections (Nader Aghakhani & Michael El Boghdady, 2023). The critical question is whether enhanced communication will translate into tangible reductions in post-operative infections. Finally, increased compliance with evidence-based protocols, such as hand hygiene, surgical site preparation, and prophylactic antibiotic administration, is expected. This prompts the question of whether higher adherence rates can lead to the desired reduction in surgical site infections.

Change Theory and Leadership Strategies

The Kotter’s Eight-Step Change Model, developed by Dr. John Kotter, is a robust change theory that is highly likely to facilitate the success of an interdisciplinary team in collaborating and implementing a project plan within a healthcare organization. This model emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of urgency, building a guiding coalition, and maintaining short-term wins to drive change effectively. In the context of a healthcare organization seeking to reduce post-operative infections, this model can be particularly effective (Campbell, 2020).

A study applied Kotter’s model to a real-world healthcare setting to reduce hospital-acquired infections, including surgical site infections (Campbell, 2020). They found that by creating a sense of urgency around infection rates and forming a dedicated interdisciplinary team (a guiding coalition), the organization was able to drive significant improvements in infection control practices (Campbell, 2020). By aligning the team’s efforts with short-term wins, such as a reduction in infection rates within the first six months, buy-in and enthusiasm among healthcare professionals were enhanced. This study demonstrates how Kotter’s model can be applied in healthcare to achieve tangible results and create a collaborative environment for change.

Leadership Strategy

Transformational leadership, is a leadership strategy highly likely to foster collaboration and buy-in for the project plan within an interdisciplinary healthcare team. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams through a shared vision, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, and providing a role model to emulate (Perez, 2021). In the context of reducing post-operative infections, a transformational leader can instill a sense of purpose and commitment among team members.


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